Page 38 - NHBRC
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Independent-                                                                                                                           Tip

                                                                       minded Sethu                                                                                                                    Study your industry

                                                                                                                                                                                                    holistically before starting
                                                                       Pilane heads a                                                                                                               out in business. Only once
                                                                                                                                                                                                     you’ve done that should
                                                                       multimillion-rand                                                                                                                you focus on your

                                                                                                                                                                                                         particular area of
                                                                       organisation, Vuka                                                                                                                     interest

                                                                       Consultants, which

                                                                       provides services

                                                                       ranging from

                                                                       construction and

                                                                       business training to

                                                                       development, writes

                                                                       SUE GRANT-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DIGGING DEEP
                                                                       In the beginning                                                                                                                            Sethu Pilane
                                                                         Sethu Pilane attributes her strong personality and                                                                                        is a strong
                                                                       drive to succeed in business, as well as helping young                                                                                      believer in
                                                                       people to do the same, to her upbringing in the                                                                                             empowerment
                                                                       township of Zwelitsha near Bhisho.                                                                                                          PHOTO: ELIZABETH
                                                                         Her grandparents were an extraordinary couple who                                                                                         SEJAKE
                                                                       played “a crucial role in bringing me up”, says Pilane.
                                                                         Her grandfather ensured that the young girl helped
                                                                       on his farm, “doing chores that mainly boys do, such
                                                                       as planting and yoking the cattle for the plough”.
                                                                         “He made it fun and involved us in projects such as
                                                                       selling pineapples and recycling. Furthermore, he paid
                                                                       us. We always got our share.”
                                                                         And so an entrepreneurial spirit was born.
                                                                         After Pilane matriculated, she studied further and
                                                                       graduated in 2006 with a diploma in Business Studies
                                                                       from Central Johannesburg College.
                                                                         “I did my practical training with Bridging the Gap
                                                                       and in 2007 established Vuka Business Consultants. I
                                                                       began business in earnest the following year.”  Building your

                                                                       Getting started
                                                                         Pilane began by providing business development
                                                                       services to the then Umsobomvu Youth Fund, which
                                                                       later merged with the National Youth Council to  own future
                                                                       become the National Youth Development Agency.
                                                                         “Suddenly, we were producing a lot of business
                                                                       plans for clients wanting to go into construction in the
                                                                       wake of the building boom generated by the 2010
                                                                       World Cup,” says Pilane.
                                                                         She soon noticed that although her clients had the
                                                                       necessary building skills, they came up short when
                                                                       dealing with the administration side of things and
                                                                       when creating presentations for possible clients.  KEEP YOUR FOUNDATION STRONG
                                                                         “So I tendered for construction projects myself and  Maintenance tips and DIY advice
                                                                       then subcontracted them to the people who I was
                                                                       helping to write business plans. But then another
                                                                       problem cropped up. The construction people couldn’t  Although the NHBRC is not responsible  underfloor ventilation.    Trees and hedges take moisture out of
                                                                       handle starting work at 6am and working through  for maintenance and DIY, here are a few  If you are not sure where the damp-  the soil. In clay, new plants may cause it
                                                                       weekends too.”                                   factors for you to consider:       proof course is, your home builder will  to shrink, while removing existing trees
                                                                         Eventually, Pilane ended up doing construction                                    show you. Keep soil and paving about  and hedges may make it swell. Excessive
                                                                       projects herself, always ensuring that if she got a  Pathways                       150mm below the course.            shrinkage or swelling could damage
                                                                       community-based project – for RDP housing, for     Don’t worry if pathways or paving  Paths alongside the home must also be  foundations.
                                                                       example – she trained someone in a family to build.  develop minor cracks as the ground slowly  about two bricks, or 150mm, below the  Do not plant trees or shrubs against
                                                                         “I want young people to learn how to be a      settles in the first two to three years.  damp-proof course and slope away from  walls and foundations.
                                                                       carpenter or bricklayer for several reasons. The key is                             the structure.                      Be careful not to plant trees near your
                                                                       helping them to earn money and to acquire skills so  Damp-proof courses and airbricks  Drainpipes must lead water away from  neighbour’s property. They could cause
                                                                       that if maintenance becomes necessary on their house  If soil or other garden material is piled  the walls and foundations.  damage to the house or neighbouring wall
                                                                       later on, they can do it themselves.”            up against the outside walls, it may cover  Do not let water stand against walls  and you could be liable for the cost of
                                                                         It was this desire to help others that saw Pilane win  the damp-proof course and cause rising  and foundations.      repair.
                                                                       the Black Business Quarterly Award in 2008 for Young  damp.                                                             Newly planted trees and shrubs may
                                                                       Visionary Achievers, which was sponsored by Mathews  If it also covers airbricks, this can  Trees and shrubs           need to be watered continuously during
                                                                       Phosa, former ANC treasurer-general.             lead to dry rot if you have a suspended  Planting trees and shrubs can make  their early life if they are to get a good
                                                                         It recognised her empowerment of both able and  timber floor because it blocks    your garden attractive, but be careful.  start.
                                                                       disabled young people “so that they would be freed
                                                                       from the mentality of survival through continuous
                                                                       grants”, she says.

                                                                                                                      are planning to buy. Is the electrical wiring right?  TALK TO  we need to start at preschool level so that by the time
                                                                       Hurdles                                        That sort of thing.”                              US          people are 20 years old, they have the right self-help
                                                                         Pilane lists several, including obtaining finance for  She works in both the private and government        mind-set.”
                                                                       projects, access to business opportunities, retaining  sectors.                             Email projects@
                                                                       skilled staff and understanding that the construction                              
                                                                       industry is a seasonal business.                                                                Tweet        The NHBRC is important…
                                                                                                                      Next step                                      @City_Press      Pilane says she applauds Brenda Madumise,
                                                                                                                       “I would like to ensure cash flow for operating  #OppIndex or  chairperson of the National Home Builders’
                                                                       Overcoming obstacles                           expenses for at least a year in advance so that I can  SMS us on  Registration Council, for promising “to create this
                                                                         “I realised I had to diversify so that I was busy  focus my full attention on growing the business,” says  34263 using the  Gordon Institute of Business Science programme we
                                                                       when I didn’t have construction projects. I turned to  Pilane.                                  keyword      are on, and then following through on her promise.
                                                                       educating rural communities on how, for example, to  “I love it. I wake up every day and see new  PROJECTS and  It’s helping me to plan for growth.”
                                                                       look after toilets, teaching them not to throw bad  opportunities. I also enjoy helping people to develop  tell us what you
                                                                       cabbages or chicken carcasses into them.”      their own businesses.”                       are interested in.
                                                                         Pilane reasoned that education didn’t require huge                                         Please include
                                                                       capital outlays.                                                                              your name.
                                                                         She also developed an internet-based information  Dreams and goals                          SMSes cost       A project in partnership with the
                                                                       management system for the housing market.       “I’d like to study again, even become a business  R1.50 each
                                                                         “I provide reliable audited information for the  science professor. I have such a passion for                       NHBRC
                                                                       consumer so they know the state of the house they  entrepreneurship. I want to change South Africa, and
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