Page 23 - 2017 Official CMA Program
P. 23

┴  Hank Williams, Jr. makes a surprise  ┴ Paisley and Underwood go “Gangham Style” during the 2012  ┴ Paisley, Peyton Manning, Underwood, and   HOSTS
            appearance during Paisley and   CMA Awards.                    Deaton gather during rehearsals for the 2016
            Underwood's monologue for the 2011                             CMA Awards.”
            CMA Awards.
            strongly that Brad and Carrie were absolutely the right decision and I   It was also the first year that our ratings grew during the monologue,
            decided not to give up.                        which historically is a lower rated part of any award show. That was a
                                                           big revelation. People were tuning in to see what Brad and Carrie were
            I waited a few months then went back to both ABC and CMA to plead   going to do during their opening monologue! This was confirmation
            my case. I thought that the no-host approach was too choppy and   we had made the right decision.
            the broadcast needed a host to take you on a journey, essentially. And
            I felt we needed a voice. Someone that could represent the show in   Now we were literally off to the races. After year four and up through
            phone interviews, promos, morning and late-night talk shows, etc.   last year’s show, it has been like a greatest hits package of Brad and
            This time I got the green light.               Carrie. All you have to do is mention a phrase and fans will know
                                                           exactly the moment.
            Here’s why it works. Yes, they are both supremely talented, have
            developed impeccable timing, and both put in the effort to make   It’s important to acknowledge that one thing a performer doing
            something good into something great. But the real reason it works is   comedy or stand-up must have is courage. Each joke or parody can hit
            that they are genuinely close friends and they trust each other. There’s   big or fall flat. Brad and Carrie have the courage to go for it every time,
            that word again.                               with full confidence.

            The first year they hosted, the opening monologue was around five   Here is an interesting example. Because of cellphones and social
            minutes. This was just my second year and their first so we were all   media in year three, we realized we could not rehearse any of Brad
            learning on the job in front of millions of people.  and Carrie’s copy onstage, knowing it would be leaked online before
                                                           we went on air. Our only solution was to not rehearse onstage. So the
            The second year, Brad and Carrie performed their first musical parody,   first time they performed their monologue onstage was during the
            “Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Kanye.” This was an   actual live broadcast. That takes great courage, belief in each other
            important moment in the evolution of the Brad-and-Carrie brand. The   and the material. It also takes great talent.
            parody gave us something completely unique to Brad and Carrie. We
            could “own” this as their signature, separating us from all other award   I have spent most of my time in this article focusing on Brad and
            shows and late-night television broadcasts.    Carrie. I know that Bill, Ann, David, and Kendal would not want it any
                                                           other way. Our job is to support, encourage and, in some instances,
            Year four was when we really hit our stride. Brad and Carrie were fully   protect Brad and Carrie. Because at the end of the day, it is Brad
            confident in their timing and mutual chemistry. We knew the musical   and Carrie who make us all look good. To say that we are lucky to
            parodies were working, big time. I think we all understood by now the   have them would be a huge understatement. In a world where there
            beats of a joke and the overall structure of a monologue.  seems to be an award show on every week, Brad and Carrie give us
                                                           the opportunity to cut through the clutter, to be different, and be
            That year brought the surprise appearance of Hank Williams Jr., the   remembered.
            Tim and Faith Barbies bit, and the musical parody of “I’m Going to
            Love You Forever” with Eric Stonestreet from “Modern Family.” This
            monologue from beginning to end was packed with great jokes,                      by Robert Deaton
            surprises, and musical comedy.

    Photo 1 credit: John Russell/CMA, Photos 2 credit: Donn Jones/CMA, Photo 3 credit: Ann Edelblute
                                                                                     THE 51st ANNUAL CMA AWARDS 21
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