Page 29 - nov-dec2023 neat
P. 29

Help Your Farm Customers Prepare
                                     to Dry a Robust Harvest
           A                                                    do one-on-one training to help folks learn how to use

                                                                          Newland went on to say that he is happy to
                     s the days shorten and evenings bring a fore-
                     boding chill, rural America is preparing for
                                                                the tool.
                     grain harvest. In the Midwest, farmers are
                     gearing up for what they are hoping will be a
                                                                        What’s the best way for propane marketers to
            large harvest, while in the southern states, the season-  prepare for harvest?
                   This year’s planted corn acreage was up 6    a lasting relationship with a
            al ritual is already underway.                              “If you are looking to build

            percent from 2022 levels, the third-highest planted
            acreage in the United States since 1944. That means
                                                                farm customer, go walk some
            lots of bushels for farmers to dry before winter arrives.

                   Despite a very dry spring to start the grow-  fields with them to see what the
            ing season this year, rainfall has normalized to give   crop looks like and get a first-
            corn and soybeans a chance to develop and produce
            normal yields across most of the country. Even average   hand update on what to expect.
            drying could result in higher propane gallon consump-  I have yet to meet a farmer that
            tion in the corn belt this year.                    doesn’t like to walk fields and

                    Mike Newland, PERC’s director of agriculture
            development, says marketers can help farm customers   talk about the growing season.”
            plan their propane dryer needs ahead of harvest by   - Mike Newland  - Director of Agricultural Devel-
            using PERC’s online tool to compare local crop mois-  opment, PERC
            ture levels to previous years. The Grain Drying Demand      Just as farmers check equipment and replace
            Models found in the For Propane Providers section   parts that are showing wear this time of year, they
            of provide timely insights to determine   also should be encouraged to fill propane storage
            how much propane will be needed for drying within   before the busy harvest season hits.■
            detailed parameters.
                   “I encourage all marketers to look at the mod-     Do your customers know about the
            el and see how your area is tracking versus previous       Propane Farm Incentive Program?
            years.” Newland said.
                                                                          Sponsored by the Propane Education &
                                                                   Research Council, the Propane Farm Incentive
                                                                   Program is a research program that provides
                                                                   a financial incentive up to $5,000 toward the
                                                                   purchase of new propane-powered farm equip-
                                                                   ment. In exchange, participants agree to share
                                                                   real-world performance data with PERC.

                                                                          To learn more about how your agricul-
                                                                   tural customers can earn $5,000 or more by
                                                                   helping PERC prove the performance of pro-
                                                                   pane-powered equipment, click here. For the
                                                                   program brochure, click here.

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