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Register Now for Propane Days!

                   he Propane Days 2024 preliminary agenda is          Register now! The early bird registration fee
                   now available!  This year's event will be held   of $129 is available until May 9th; the fee increases to
                   June 2nd - June 4th at the Hilton Capitol Hill   $179 on May 10th.
            Tin Washington D.C. Propane Days includes the              Book your accommodations at the Hilton,
            NPGA Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting   Washington, D.C., the headquarters hotel for Propane
            and the annual Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill.        Days located on Capitol Hill at 525 New Jersey Ave,

                   Propane Days 2024 will kick off on Sunday,   N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Click here or contact
            June 2nd with a PAC Reception following registration.   Hilton reservations directly at 1-800-445-8667 and
            On June 3rd, there will be several meetings of interest,   request the NPGA group rate of $349 single/double
            a PERC Update from Tucker Perkins, District Break Out   occupancy, plus tax. The room block will be available
            Sessions, and the NPGF Scholarship Committee Meet-  until Thursday, May 9th or until the block is sold out.
            ing. Following the morning meetings and sessions, the      As the propane industry faces many legislative
            NPGA Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting   and regulatory challenges, there has never been a bet-
            will be held. Monday night will wrap up with the NPGA   ter time to join together to share your story. Together,
            Board of Directors Reception.                       we can meet with our federal legislators to discuss the
                   On Tuesday, June 4th, we'll take part in advo-  most pressing issues impacting the propane industry.
            cacy day on Capitol Hill. The advocacy day includes a   APGA would like to have a member or representative
            Propane Days Welcome legislative breakfast and NPGA   from each of the seven congressional districts attend
            Legislative Briefing, covering NPGA's top priorities and   with the association. Click here to find your district.
            best practices for Congressional meetings. Afterwards,   If you would like to attend or have questions about
            state association's will go to Capitol Hill for in-person   attending this event, please contact Laural Bunn. We
            meetings with their Congressional Representatives.   encourage you to register for this important event so
            Advocacy Day will conclude with a Congressional Re-  that you can help APGA represent Alabama's propane
            ception.                                            industry in June!■

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