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2024 A             PGA         /LPGA Co                  nventi           o   n Rec          ap
             2024 APGA/LPGA Convention Recap

                   he annual APGA/LPGA Joint Summer Conven-
                   tion, "Coastal State of Mind" was held on June
                   24-26 at the Pensacola Hilton in Pensacola
            TBeach, Florida. This year's event was a great
            success with record participation, 150 attendees!
                   The festivities began with a Welcome Recep-
            tion sponsored by the Alabama and Louisiana Suppli-
            ers. Alabama Agriculture and Industries Commissioner,
            Rick Pate welcomed attendees along with President,
            Bubba Quick (APGA) and Kenny Lucero (LPGA). A great
            big thank you to the Supplier members from each state
            for their continued support of this event.

                   On Tuesday, we opened with a breakfast
            sponsored by Warm Thoughts Communications. Next,
            during the joint meetings, members were provided
            with the NPGA Issues of Importance from Benjamin
            Nussdorf, and the PERC Update from Kirstain McArdle.
            To round out the morning presentations, Benjamin
            provided a legislative workshop. Directly following the   sponsored by Harper Industries. This exciting annual
            morning presentations, APGA and LPGA held their    fundraiser supports the David Reaves, Don Haden, Bill
            association meetings.                              Montgomery, and Marie Daniel Scholarships which
                   During the APGA Membership and Board of     are all part of the APGA and LPGA Scholarship Funds.
            Directors Meeting, the year's activities were reviewed.   Thank you to everyone who participated by donating
            Lobbyists, Phillip and Alison Kinney, provided a report   or purchasing an auction item. This year's event raised
            from the 2024 legislative session. Next, former Ala-  $11,844 of which each state received $5,922.
            bama Secretary of State, John H. Merrill, discussed        The activities began bright and early on
            the importance of awareness and participation in   Wednesday morning with a Deep Sea Fishing excursion
            legislative matters and explained how active participa-  sponsored by RegO. Mid-morning activities included a
            tion can strengthen the association and the industry's   Golf Scramble at Tiger Point Country Club and Hangin'
            governmental affairs efforts for year's to come. After-  on the Beach Day at the Hilton, both sponsored by
            wards, Immediate Past President, Jessie Morgan, gave   Bergquist, Inc. Thank you to the event sponsors for
            the past year's Board of Directors service awards. The   ensuring these activities were a success.
            meeting concluded with NPGA's Benjamin Nussdorf            As always, we ended the convention with a
            conducting the installation of the 2024-2025 Board of   fantastic celebration. Before dinner began, APGA Pres-
            Directors. We look forward to another great year of   ident, Bubba Quick awarded the President's Award to
            leadership from our newly installed Board of Directors.   Michael Toomey (Thompson Gas) for his many years in
                   After the association meetings, there were   the propane industry and for his dedication to APGA.
            several exciting activities to choose from: a Dolphin   Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious dinner buffet fol-
            Cruise or a trade show. Thank you to the Supplier   lowed by Hypnotist William Mitchell. Mitchell delivered
            members who took part in the inaugural trade show   on his promise. It was more than a performance  - it was
            event. Later in the afternoon, the weather was beau-  an event!
            tiful for the sold-out Dolphin Cruise. Attendees were      We hope you will join us for next year's con-
            treated to a two-hour cruise in the bay with several   vention on June 29-July 1 at the Perdido Beach Resort
            frisky dolphins making an appearance.              in Orange Beach, Alabama. Please contact APGA to
                   On Tuesday evening, we held the Dessert     join the Convention Committee so you can help us
            Extravaganza, Reverse Raffle, and Silent Auction event   ensure the next convention is a successful event.■

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