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favorite fair food is grilled, boiled, or fried, propane is   the need to protect confidential business information,
            there to cook your meal to perfection!              benefits to companies and workers, and increased

                   So, whether you’re attending a fair in Califor-  wages and benefits.  The comment further discussed
            nia or Connecticut, we all can appreciate the fact that   the Federal Trade Commission’s overreach in propos-
            propane is behind the scenes working hard to make   ing the rule.
            our favorite summer pastime a success. For more            NPGA will monitor legal challenges and up-
            information, contact NPGA’s Director of State Affairs,   date membership on enforcement. If you have ques-
            Jacob Peterson.■                                    tions, please contact Director of Regulatory Affairs and
                                                                Associate General Counsel Kate Gaziano.■
            FMCSA Removes Two ELDs
                   On August 15, 2024, the Federal Motor Carri-  WPGA Sues CARB Over Forklift Rulemaking
            er Safety Administration (FMCSA) removed the follow-       Last week, the Western Propane Gas Associ-
            ing ELDs (Electronic Logging Devices) from the list of   ation (WPGA) filed a lawsuit in state court against the
            registered ELDs due to the providers’ failure to meet   California Air Resources Board (CARB) in regards to
            the minimum requirements established in 49 CFR part   the agency’s Zero-Emission Forklift Rulemaking, which
            395, subpart B, appendix A.                         was approved in June. This new CARB regulation will
                   Motor carriers and drivers who use the ELDs   prohibit the production and sale of large, spark-ignit-
            listed above must discontinue using the revoked ELDs   ed (LSI) forklifts for the California market, and require
            and revert to paper logs or logging software to record   the early retirement of LSI forklifts currently in opera-
            required hours of service data and replace the re-  tion. Both the ban on new sales and the early retire-
            voked ELDs with compliant ELDs from the Registered   ment mandate will affect propane-powered forklifts
            Devices list before October 14, 2024.               and the businesses who rely on them. WPGA’s lawsuit
                                                                asserts that CARB’s actions violate provisions of state
            ELD/Model #             ELD Identifier  ELD Provider
                                                                law and the California Constitution.
            BLUE STAR ELD/BRS    BRS153         BLUE STAR ELD INC
                                                                       Colin Sueyres, President and CEO of the
            RELIABLE ELD/RRS      RRS121         Reliable ELD Inc  Western Propane Gas Association, has been directly
                   Questions? Contact Director of Regulatory    engaged and working to combat this regulation since
            Affairs and Associate General Counsel Kate Gaziano.■  it was first proposed. “California’s ill-planned effort to
                                                                kill the propane forklift will have far reaching conse-
            Major Legal Victory: Federal Court Strikes Down     quences across our industry, and not just in our state,”
            FTC’s Non-Compete Ban                               said Sueyres. “Allowing California to single-handedly

                   In a major legal victory on Tuesday, August 20,   set the market for forklifts would imperil millions
            2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District   upon millions of propane gallons in every state in the
            of Texas set aside the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC)   union as forklift manufacturers expand battery-elec-
            ban on employment noncompete agreements.  Be-       tric production lines. WPGA welcomes assistance from
            cause the Court’s decision has a nationwide effect, the   all those concerned about our transportation gallons
            ban will not go into effect as scheduled on September   across the country to join our effort.”
            4, 2024 unless there is a contrary subsequent court        As of the 2022 industry sales report, California
            ruling.                                             was the largest propane market in the country, with
                   Last year NPGA joined almost 300 other as-   539 million gallons of fuel sold. For more information
            sociations (including the Chamber of Commerce, the   or questions, please contact NPGA’s Director of State
            plaintiff in this lawsuit) representing 45 states to submit   Affairs, Jacob Peterson.■
            a joint comment to the Federal Trade Commission re-
            garding their proposed rule to ban non-compete claus-
            es.  NPGA also spoke out against the rule making at a
            public listening session.  The joint comment stressed

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