Page 19 - marchapril2024_neat
P. 19
Alabama Online Advertisement Results Alabama YouTube Video Results
Banner Impressions 661,102
Video Completes
Alabama Connected TV Results
Alabama Pandora Results
Video Completes
:30 Audio Impressions
targeted approach to individuals who may be interest-
20,568 ed in propane as an energy source.
Companion Banner
Impressions Connecting with Families through their Television
not only effectively communicated propane's efficacy Through connected TV streaming outreach,
as a sustainable energy source but has also fostered Alabama’s campaign accumulated 103,404 impres-
meaningful engagement and dialogue among its audi- sions. This innovative approach allowed us to engage
ence. with our audience in their living rooms, leveraging the
growing trend of streaming services and connected
Short and Effective :30 radio advertisements devices. This delivery maximized our outreach, ensur-
The radio campaign in Alabama, notably the ing that our campaign resonated with families in an
30-second advertisement featured on Pandora, cap- increasingly digital landscape.
tured considerable interest, amassing over half-a-mil- Looking Forward to 2024
lion listens. Meanwhile, the nationwide Pandora cam-
paign garnered an additional 67 million listens. Entitled The Environmental Grant Program had great
"The Future is Now," the advertisement focused on success through its 2023 initiatives. The campaign
spotlighting the unique attributes and benefits of pro- effectively communicated propane's importance to
pane while delivering a succinct yet impactful portrayal multiple generations and fostered widespread aware-
of propane's role as a sustainable energy solution for ness of its benefits for households and businesses.
Alabama. The national propane campaign also achieved impres-
sive metrics and growth trends, with millions of views
YouTube: Reaching a Younger Generation and increased engagement rates. These strategic ap-
The shift of the younger generation towards proaches highlight propane's enduring relevance and
YouTube, over radio and traditional television, has impact as a sustainable energy solution. As we step
contributed to the platform's expansion to over 2.5 into the new year, Alabama's 2024 Environmental
billion users. Consequently, an integral aspect of the Grant Program will continue to utilize these avenues
campaign strategy was PERC's initiative allowing states to disseminate this vital information regarding the
to air video advertisements on YouTube. Utilizing importance of propane and foster a heightened en-
YouTube allowed our advertisements to reach individu- thusiasm for this more affordable, cleaner, and more
als watching homebuilding, farming, and other pro- reliable energy source. Together, we look forward to
pane-geared videos. This approach permitted a more continued success in 2024.■