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NPGA corner

            $1.5 Billion Available for Propane Buses & Fueling

                   The Federal Transit Authority (FTA) has an-
            nounced the availability of nearly $1.5 billion to
            replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses, related
            equipment, or facilities with alternatives like propane
            autogas under the Buses and Bus Facility Program and
            the Low or No Emission Grant Program. States, local
            governmental authorities, Indian Tribes, and fixed-
            route bus operators and services are eligible appli-
            cants.  Grant funds can cover 80-90% of project costs,
            and grant funds are available to awarded projects for
            four fiscal years.
                                                                       Propane plays a critical role in ensuring energy
                   Last year, propane received nearly $44 million   security in times when inclement weather sweeps
            in grant funding through this program to purchase pro-  through a part of the country - from powering back-up
            pane buses and install propane fueling infrastructure.   generation when electric service is down, to powering
            The diverse recipients ranged from major cities to rural   warming centers, and disaster-aid operations. Energy
            communities to tribal nations in Colorado, Minnesota,   security is best achieved when residents and the state
            Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Ohio.
                                                                alike have energy options at their disposal to rely on
                   For more information on how to apply, links   in the face of disaster. For more information, please
            to register for an information webinar, and a template   contact NPGA’s Manager of State Government Affairs,
            letter to send to eligible localities within your state,   Austin Wicker.■
            visit the Propane Buses tab on the member dashboard
            Questions? Contact NPGA Director, Regulatory Affairs   U.S. Energy Information Administration Heating Oil
            & Associate General Counsel Kate Gaziano.■          and Propane Update
                                                                       The latest report from the U.S. Energy Informa-
            Electricity Power Interruptions Remain High in 2022  tion Administration (EIA) provides key insights into the

                   According to a recent report by the Energy   propane market as of February 28, 2024. Here's a brief
            Information Administration, electricity customers in   summary:
            the U.S. averaged five and one-half hours of power         Residential Propane Prices: The national av-
            interruptions in 2022. This was partially due to the fact   erage was $2.610 per gallon, lower than last year by
            that the U.S. experienced eighteen weather-related   $0.086 per gallon. Prices varied across regions, with
            disasters that ultimately exceeded one billion dollars in   the East Coast averaging higher prices ($3.471 per
            damages per event, including Hurricane Ian, Hurricane   gallon) compared to the Midwest ($2.119 per gallon).
            Nicole, and Winter Storm Elliott. According to the re-
            port customers in West Virginia, Maine, Vermont, New       Wholesale Propane Prices: The U.S. average
            Hampshire – and the nation’s third most populated   was $1.017 per gallon, up from the previous year by
            state, Florida – experienced the most interruptions in   $0.025 per gallon. The Central Atlantic region had high-
            2022.                                               er prices compared to the Gulf Coast.
                   In January 2024 both Oregon and Washington          For more detailed information, click here to
            State were hit by one of the worst ice and windstorms   review the report. For questions or comments on the
            in recent decades, leaving nearly 125,000 people    report, please contact Twana Aiken, NPGA Senior Man-
            without power. These events highlight the necessity   ager of Industry Affairs.
            of ensuring that states have ample access to energy   Disclaimer: NPGA solely provides EIA data; all numbers
            options of their choice in order to adequately respond   reported are sourced directly from the Energy Informa-
            to unexpected disasters.                            tion Administration (EIA).■

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