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The 2024 Propane Construction Research Program
                            is now open and accepting applications!

               Building with Propane Benefits the
                Environment, Homeowners, and
                    Construction Professionals

                   he Propane Construction Research Program
                   is designed to collect data from participating
                   builders to inform research about propane use
            Tin the residential building industry. As part of
            the program, participants are required to complete a
            survey about the homes they build or remodel using
            propane. Survey topics include any challenges partici-
            pants may be facing, consumer perceptions, and proj-
            ect details such as comparable selling price and time
            on market. Completion of the survey must occur before
            compensation can be released. Qualifying and selected
            construction professionals receive monetary compen-
            sation for up to $1,500 per project once emissions data
            and survey responses are submitted.
            The following criteria apply:

            •  Eligible builders must be a licensed U.S. builder or      Over the past two years, Alabama has not seen
               remodeler, and at least 18 years of age.        high participation numbers in this program. 2024 is a
                                                               great year to raise our level of participation in these
            •  A home must include at least one of the following   valuable research programs that put money back in the
               propane appliances: a boiler or furnace; hydronic   hands of our customers. We encourage members to
               air handler; combi boiler; tankless or storage tank   discuss this program with your professional homebuild-
               water heater; a hybrid heat pump with propane gas   ing and remodeling customers and friends. You could
               emergency heat.                                 also mention this program while networking at your lo-
            •  The home build or remodel project must be com-  cal Home Builders Association meeting. For a statewide
               pleted between January and December 2024.       list of local Home Builers Associations chapters, please
            •  Participants must also submit a one-time program   contact Laural Bunn. Do you have a Home Builders or
               survey that will capture important emissions data.   Renovation Expo you're planning to attend in 2024?
                                                               Please contact APGA so we can assist you with gather-
                   In 2023, the Propane Construction Research   ing program materials for your booth.
            Program eliminated millions of pounds of harmful           If you would like to read more about the
            emissions, while also generating updated research and   program, please see the 2024 Construction Research
            usage data directly from homebuilders. Plus, thousands   Program brochure here. Funding is limited, and certain
            of homeowners enjoyed lower utility bills and more   restrictions apply, so builders are encouraged to apply
            comfort — confirming that propane is truly the energy   as soon as possible at■
            for everyone. The 2022 Propane Construction Incen-
            tive Program results were also impressive. Over 1,000
            homes were centivized by the program with builders
            across 19 U.S. states participating. In 2022, $1,000,000
            was awarded to construction professionals in preogram

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