Page 8 - march-april 2022
P. 8

from the executive director’s desk

                   y no means has this been an easy winter       up for the V E T S/GeneratioNext portals, please
                   on some propane customers  Calls into         do so by clicking on the ad on page 2 of this
                   the association office, LP Gas Board of-      issue  It’s important to
          Bfice, and Attorney General’s office start-            get your company jobs
            ed back in November and continue to come             listed as soon as possible
            in    complaints such as 1)cannot get pre-bought     Prospects are visiting
            gas delivered; 2) no one will answer the phone;      these portals daily  If you
            3) offices are closed; 4) ordered gas weeks ago;     need help, please let me
            and 5) concerns over no communication from           know
            companies  We have taken these complaints                   APGA would like
            one by one to find a solution to the problem. We     to thank Mike Weeks,
            appreciate the company representatives who           APGA Lobbyist for
            have assisted us through all these complaints        approx  30 years, for his
            Hopefully, in the end, we have averted a major       service  Mike decided         uLisa Hillu
            industry disaster                                    to retire the end of Decem-
                   Obviously, one of the core issues this year   ber  APGA has since contracted with Barton
            is “Driver Shortage ” Michelle Wilson with Gener-    & Kinney, a Lobbying Firm in Montgomery, to
            atioNext has been very active speaking with CDL      represent us at the State House  We would love
            schools in Alabama about career opportunities        to know if you have a relationship with any State
            in the propane industry  If you have not signed      Senator or House members  Please call me so we
                                                                 can consider a campaign contribution from our
             WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE                             AlaPropanePAC  This is an election year, and we
             FROM AMERICA’S                                      need to elect sound-minded, business friendly
             INDUSTRY LEADER                                     people

             PRODUCTS:                                                  On pages 14 and 15 of this issue, you will
             •  New TRANSPORT TRAILERS
             •   New BOBTAILS                                    find information on APGA Scholarships. Please
             •  New BULK STORAGE TANKS                           forward this information along to your employees
             Ask about availability of
             used or refurbished                                 who might have graduating seniors or college
             transport trailers and bobtails
             SERVICES:                                                  Finally, don’t forget that APGA has re-
             • Refurbishing & Repairs
             • Blasting & Painting                               bates available on water heaters ($200); Logs
             • 5-Year Inspections
             • Annual Inspections                                ($100); Stoves ($100); Dryers ($100); and new
             • Stress Relieving                                  service outlets ($100)  Click here to get to the
             • Parts
                                                                 guidelines and application form  To reserve a
               PROUDLY MANUFACTURED & ASSEMBLED IN THE USA       rebate, call APGA for a PO number.■
                          TANK COMPANY
              HEADQUARTERS            INDIANA DIVISION
              P O Drawer 1391         1301 East Elkhorn Road
              Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1391  Vincennes, IN 47591-8004
              PH: 800-331-8265 ext. 224    PH: 812-886-8265
              FAX: 601-264-0769       FAX: 812-886-8979

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