Page 4 - mar-apr2021
P. 4
word from the president
o say the propane industry in Alabama was this time it got blasted with an unprecedented amount
due a sustained cold winter would be an of snow and ice that crippled the electric infrastructure
understatement Maybe an at-least normal Without electricity for pumping, natural gas was also
Theating season with a few extreme events hendered in multiple areas In addition, wind mills and
thrown in there for good measure, has given propane solar panels were useless when they froze It seems
the opportunity to once again publicly show it is an the only people that were able to maintain warmth
important, reliable, and renewable resource, capable and keep their pipes from freezing because their
of providing heat that one can truly warm up next houses stayed warm and insulated from the harsh
to Certainly the “back-up” heaters, gas logs, and winter weather, were the
fireplaces got the dust knocked/burned off this time ones that put their trust in
around, and the stale (not really) propane that has Propane Hopefully, when
been sitting dormant in the tanks next to the house, or Texas digs out and recovers,
at least 10 feet away in the yard just waiting to come to many will turn to what we as
life, got its chance to glow, literally an industry already rely on…
Over the past few years at this time of the PROPANE! I’m betting that
seaason, there have been buds and even blooms when the dust settles and
on bushes and trees For the most part, pasted winter the good folks in Texas look
weather was mostly reduced to a few nights with back on their FAILED source
temperatures dipping below the freezing mark Right of energy and heat, they
now, there is still a little snow and maybe a few icy spots turn to a trusty propane tank
hiding out in some higher elevations and shady spots in with one or more propane uBill Mayou
Northwest Alabama appliances that does not rely
Our friends to the west in Texas (God Bless them) on electricity for heat Or,
are experiencing yet another natural disaster; this time how about a propane powered generator connected
in the form of a winter weather phenomenon Texas to that same propane tank in their yard? Maybe it will
has sure had more than its fair share of “weather,” and have the same impact as the blizzard of 93 had for the
propane industry in Alabama, where many residents
and businesses decided to put their trust in propane
Your largest controllable expenses are delivery labor I was privileged to be a part of an important
and vehicle costs. ANOVA helps you schedule efficient
deliveries and respond quickly to customer needs round table meeting several years back The CEO of
a large propane company told a story of going to an
upscale party In short, he was asked what he did for
a living Instead of trying to impress, he merely said “I
sell propane ” I subscribe to that way of thinking I
Connecting the idustrial world - for better. am proud to tell people “I sell propane ” We ALL sell
propane Regardless of whether you answer a phone
in an office, install propane tanks, dig ditches and run
• Supports LTE cellular networks lines, deliver cylinders, or drive a bobtail, in the end we
• Daily calls + half hourly alarm checks
• Level, fill & high use alarms ALL sell propane If not, we don’t get paid! We have
• Ability to monitor metered accounts an opportunity to SELL propane right now We are all
• Smartphone install tool ambassadors for the smelly resource that feeds our
• Monitors two tanks families and sustains our daily way of life Propane is at
• UL approved for Class 1 Division 1 the forefront again for coming through in the clutch
• 15 year operation* Let’s all go out and promote and sell some propane!
Hopefully soon, we will be able to recognize one
another in passing without a mask on Let us pray that
the vaccines will do exactly what they are designed
to do and put an end to this pandemic I sure hope it
has peeked and beginning to downturn I am looking
Ύ ĂƩĞƌLJ ůŝĨĞ ŝƐ ĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ ŽŶ ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ĐĂůůƐ ĂŶĚ ƐĞŶƐŽƌƐ͕ ůŽĐĂƟŽŶ͕ forward to seeing everyone at the Committee and
Board meetings March11th, either in person or via
computer screen In addition, hopefully everyone will
plan to attend one of the district meetings in May See
you soon.■
Contact us for current pricing. 800.448.9504 |
4 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2021