Page 10 - nov-dec 2022
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e are reaching               The Innovation Center        the desire is to simply train
                       out to share            has released several S4S          for company hiring needs
                       some exciting           courses during 2022 that I        and help Alabamians gain
           Wnews about the                     believe will be extremely         employment for skills they
            Alabama Community College          beneficial to our cities,         have mastered   This means
            System (ACCS) Innovation           municipalities, counties,         the courses can upskill your
            Center and the Skills for          and your businesses  Among        current employees or train
            Success (S4S) Courses that are     those released are Food           new individuals interested in a
            now available                      and Beverage Services, CDL        job
                 The mission is to create      Classes A, B, Passenger,               If you are a company
            innovative solutions that help     School Bus, and Hazmat            seeking skilled workers, please
            Alabama employers train            Endorsements, Heavy               fill out the form HERE to
            their workforce quickly and        Equipment Operator, HEO-          indicate how many positions
            effectively  This work has         Skid Steer, HEO-Dump Truck,       of each occupation you
            been coordinated through           and HEO-Bulldozer  Courses        need to hire/upskill  The
            the ACCS Innovation Center,        being released soon are           same information is being
            a division of the Community        Facilities Maintenance            gathered for participants
            College System that creates        Technician, Accommodations        interested in employment, and
            custom training programs in        and Recreational Services,        combining the two will allow
            partnership with Alabama           Fiber Optics Technician,          the ACCS to appropriately
            business and industry  In          Asphalt Roller, Industry Meat     match employers to trained
            January, the first-ever ACCS       Cutter, Manufactured Home         job seekers   Training will be
            Credentialed, Skills for Success   Installer, and Water Treatment    conducted rapidly, and your
            Course was launched in South       Technician                        registration will also allow you
            Baldwin County for Food and             Because the programs         to be contacted when training
            Beverage Service workers  All      are legislatively funded, there   is offered in your area.■
            participants were hired            is NO COST for the training—

    10                                 Alabama Propane Gas Association  | November / December 2022
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