Page 4 - nov-dec2018
P. 4
word from the president
ur daily average temperatures are The new training schedule has been
finally beginning to fall The cooler finalized and will begin January 22 in Prattville
air in the early morning hours while Of particular note, prices on some courses
O drinking my coffee puts a smile on have been lowered this year as more training
my face and a little extra energy in my step! funds have been made available (See page 6)
How about you? Our most pressing issue at present is the
As I’ve traveled this summer, everyone pending Crane and Derricks Construction Rule
seems to have had an abundance of service Getting anything passed
work, maintenance, new construction, and in Congress before the
preparation Being the optimistic bunch that deadline is not going
we are, I know everyone is looking forward to to happen Lisa sent a
“the season” bobtails and service vehicles letter to Governor Ivey
are in order, warehouses are stocked, propane requesting her assistance
supplies and suppliers are ready and backup in this matter On Oct
plans are in place Although we look forward 19th, Governor Ivey sent
to “the season,” it REALLY does require due a letter to the White
diligence ALL year to prepare for success House asking for help
By way of news, the 2018-2019 rebate with the Crane Rule The uRick Fosteru
programs began October 1 We encourage all compliance deadline is
dealers to participate (See pages 10-13) November 10, 2018 Absent some kind of relief,
you will have to make a decision as to how
your company will comply
X-Riser open regular hours Monday through Thursday
The APGA office in Prattville will now be
and closed on Friday Should you need Lisa for
help or information on a Friday, you can reach
flexible riser system for plastic pipe her on her cell, 334-303-3514
As the workdays get longer and things
get a little tougher, let’s be mindful of our
Now with
safety training, our routines, (a lot of accidents
occur when we break those routines), and our
- Significantly more flexible, even in sub-zero temperatures
- Less 'shape memory'... relaxes to straight even after being attitudes The attitude we present is most often
left wrapped in a tight loop reflected back to us
- Easier to slide polyethylene tubing into the riser
In closing, let’s remember Doug and
Teresa Rowan and their family, Charlie
Vawter’s family, and the victims of Hurricane
Michael in our prayers
X-Riser Here’s looking forward to a successful
and prosperous season!
Romans 10:8-10■
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4 Alabama Propane Gas Association | November / December 2018