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PAGE 4                             ALABAMA PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION

                Alabama LP-Gas Board

                       777 South Lawrence Street  ·  Montgomery, AL 36104
                         P�O� Box 1742  ·  Montgomery, AL 36102-1742
                         Telephone: 334-241-8887     Fax: 334-240-3255
                       DeWayne Whiddon, Board Administrator

                                 Tom Nuffer, Chief Inspector
                 David Norris, Inspector            Walter Endress, Inspector
                 North/Central District                Northeast District
                   Vacant, Inspector                   Vacant, Inspector
                   Southeast District                  Northwest District
                 Chris Stokes, Inspector
                   Southwest District
                                      Office Staff
             Rose Johnson           Lindallenian McCall         Tara Frazier
           Executive Assistant        Permit Secretary        Testing Secretary

                                    Board Members
            (not appointed at time of publication)        Ken Sexton
                       Northeast                   Acme Propane - Montgomery
              Dickie Ferguson - VICE CHAIR
               Local Peoples Gas - Ardmore               Larry Parden
                      Northwest                 Parden LP Gas & Service - Grove Hill
                  Scott Pilgreen - CHAIR
                   State Fire Marshal                Corporal Jeremy Burkett
                                                       State Public Safety
                     Lindsey Ward
                Public Service Commission              Elizabeth Barnette
                                                        Public Member

        “The Board shall have the power to make and enforce rules and regulations governing the design, construction, location, installation
        and operation of containers, tanks, systems and equipment for storing, utilizing, handling and transporting liquefied petroleum gases,
        and rules to secure the substantial accuracy of all meters, safety devices and regulators generally used in connection with such gases�”

                NPGA                                   PERC

        National Propane Gas Association      Propane Education & Research Council
        1140 Connecticut Ave�, NW, Ste� 1075  1140 Connecticut Ave�, NW, Ste� 1075
        Washington, DC  20036                 Washington, DC  20036
        202-466-7200                          202-452-8975
        202-466-7205 FAX                      202-452-9054 FAX
        www�npga�org                          www�propane�com
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