Page 3 - The Journey Project Brochure
P. 3

                                    RAISE ONE MILLION DOLLARS TO UPDATE AND

                                   CARE FOR OUR BUILDING SO WE CAN WARMLY
                                 WELCOME MORE PEOPLE THROUGH OUR DOORS.

                             WELCOME IN

                             Our building is essential to our welcome and worship ministry. Every
                             Sunday one thousand of us gather to be refreshed in our faith and renewed
                             in relationships with others. We connect, we pray, we worship - all under
                             the roof of this incredible building God has given us! In addition to Sunday
                             morning, hundreds of hours of ministry happen during the week at Faith.

                             Wear and tear comes with the territory of welcoming thousands of people
                             through our doors each week. After sixteen years of continual ministry,
                             our carpets are worn, our HVAC system is aging and our equipment needs

                             replacing - and we need to do something about it!

                             The Journey Project helps us ensure our home here at Faith receives
                             the care it needs so we can welcome in thousands more people for
                             years to come.

                                CONNECTION            NEW KIDS’          WORSHIP           BASIC BUILDING
                               SPACE UPDATES        PLAYGROUND            CENTER           ENHANCEMENTS
                                IN FOYER AND                           TECHNOLOGY            LIKE CARPET
                              NORTH COMMONS                           REPLACEMENT             AND HVAC
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