Page 104 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 104


              b.  Speaker #2: What is a big company in your  Θ  Listen to each response and match it to the
                                                                question it answers.
              c.  speaker #3: w!iat are  د  د in your           a.
                                                                b.  1
          ©  Sort the words by writing them in the correct        3
              Actions: hold on to, speak, immigrate, grow, hear.  v  Extra Practice
                                                                Try answering one or more of these questions
              Things/People: architecture, capital, territory,  for extra practice. Use at least three sentences in
              foreigner, population, size                       your response to each question.

              Descriptions: irative, official, large, the sanre as,  less  Sample Responses
              tiran, well krrown
                                                                1. Describe the culture and traditions in your
          Ö Choose one of the questions below. Prepare            native country.
              your answers to this question by writing            People of my native country are proud oftheir
             notes below. Use the questions from part 3 to        culture and traditions. We are famous for having
             help with your notes.                                fun and also doing a certain type of dance. We
                                                                  try to preserve the traditions of our country by
             Answers will vary.,
                                                                  sending children to summer camps where they
              a. How big is your native country? How many         learn the old language and traditions.
                people live there?
                                                                2. What are the traditional clothes in your native
                The territory of my native country isn't very large.
                It is probably tire same size as Germany. There
                                                                  The traditional clothes for women in my country
                are less tiran five million people in my country.  I
                                                                  look hke long dresses that have pretty patterns on
                think a lot of foreigners have started immigratiirg
                                                                  tliem. Usually women only wear these for special
                to my country in recent years,
                                                                  occasions like weddings. There used to be a
             b. What are the official languages ofyour native     traditional dress for men as well, but men these
               country?                                           days don't wear it anymore.
                There are two official languages in my country.
                                                                3. Where can people see performances or enjoy
                They are Irish and English. Eirglislr is spoken   the circus in your native coimtry?
                throughout the country, but in some parts, people
                                                                  There are theaters, opera houses, and circus
                speak Irish. Yoti might hear people speakiirg
                                                                  buildings in my country. Many of tliem are located
                Pohsh and Chinese. There are lots of people from
                                                                  in the center of the city. Some cheaper ones are
                Poland and China in my country,
                                                                  located in areas where students stay.
             c. What is the capital city ofyour country? Is this
                                                                4. Wlrat are the most popular vacation destinations
               city known for anything?
                                                                  in your country?
                The capital city of my country is Rome. It is a
                                                                  The most popular vacation destinations in my
                very old but very beautiful city It is located in
                                                                  country are tire big cities. There are two big cities,
                the west of the country. Rome is well known for
                                                                  one in the north and one in the south, that most
                its architecture and the fact tlrat it has held on  to
                                                                  people visit. If people go to other places in my
                many old traditions.
                                                                  country, they'll probably only see small farmiirg
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