Page 3 - Piano Chords 108 from Piano With Kent
P. 3

And it would be...

            If you were to attempt mastery of these one-hundred and eight-plus chords by
            memorizing the notes of each one by ROTE (that is, note-for-note).

            This catalog is ultimately just a place to check your understanding, as you go
            through my handful of easy-to-understand videos.

            When I use the word memorize in this context, I mean this: Whenever you are
            confronted with a chord symbol, or the spoken name, for any one of these essential

            chords, you will immediately know how to visualize and construct that chord on
            your piano! There is no rote memorization involved – as I said, that would be a
            monstrous task for any mortal.

                          What are those MMM patterns on each page?

            Every chord picture has a series of three M's in the top left-hand corner. Each of these
            'M-patterns' is some combination of capital or lower-case M's, such as MMM, MmM,
            mmm. .

            Using these patterns to call up any chord is what Piano Chords 108 is all about.

            The chords are listed alphabetically. For example, all the 'A' chords, such as A-minor,
            A7, Adim7, are listed as the first group of chords, with every chord in this book having
            its own page.

            In closing, you could use this catalog as a stand-alone reference, but – if you don't want
            to need any chord reference ever again, all you need to do is learn how these six patterns
            are used!

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