Page 3 - Ngiyimbali Funeral Plan
P. 3
Additional product
Livestock Option
At the death of a member or dependent (14 years and older), livestock of at least 400kg will be delivered to the nominated venue where
the funeral will take place and provided that this venue is within an 80km radius from the farmer, the delivery will be free of charge.
In the event of the death of a child under age 14, a meat hamper valued between R2 500 and R5 000 (depending on the age of the child
as set out below), will be delivered to the nominated venue where the funeral will take place and provided that this venue is within
an 80km radius from the farmer, the delivery will be free of charge;
Children aged 6 – 13 years Meat hamper of R5 000 Children aged 1 – 5 (including stillborn babies) Meat hamper of R2 500.
The beneciary will have the right, at the time of lodging the claim, to have this benet paid in cash; R8 500 (eight thousand ve hundred) or
to receive livestock to the value of R7 500 (seven thousand ve hundred), where R1 000 (one thousand) of the cover amount is paid
to the third party service provider for travel expenses incurred for the delivery of the livestock.
Butchery Option
Alternative Option for the beneciary: Butchery Benet a. Should the beneciary not want to receive livestock ,
arrangements can be made with Multi Brokers to choose the butchery benet.
Member spouse and children aged 14 – 20/25 Butchery benet of R7 500
Children aged 6 - 13 Butchery benet of R5 000 Children under the age of 6 Butchery benet of R2 500.