Page 5 - TASTAX Brochure 2017-1
P. 5

Major Tax Changes Impacting the 2018 tax year:

                   Higher Standard Deductions

                   Personal Exemptions Eliminated

                   Lower Marginal Tax Rates

                   Marriage Penalties Eliminated

                   Higher child tax credit up to $1600 per child

                   Limitation of $10,000 on State and Local taxes

                   Medical  expense  deduction  minimum  decreased  to  7.5%  from
                     10% for taxpayers under 65 years of age

                   Health Insurance Penalty Eliminated

                   Flexible 529 plans

                 Tax Scams - The IRS will never:

                   Call  to  demand  immediate  payment  using  a  specific  payment
                     method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer.

                     Generally, the IRS will first mail you a bill if you owe any taxes.

                   Threaten  to  immediately  bring  in  local  police  or  other  law-
                     enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying.

                   Demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity
                     to question or appeal the amount they say you owe.

                   Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.

                 Identity  theft  is serious and can take a long time to resolve. Take
                 preventative measures and file your taxes early. Protect your finan-
                 cial data by using the File Share site instead of using email to send

                 documents with Social Security Numbers. Notify IRS by completing
                 Form 14039 if you become a victim. See Publications 5027 and 4524

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