Page 311 - Chat del Gobernador de PR Ricardo Rosello (Telegram)
P. 311

Telegram Web _15413785455230905639
11:01:37 PM
Subject: Publishingof BudgetRe-apportionmentand ReprogrammingRequests
CommonInterest Communication Greggand Proskauerteam:
I write regardinglastweek'scommunicationsbetweenregarding the Boardpublishingreprogrammingand reapportionment requestsmade by the ElectedGovernment. Thank you for sendingus the documentsetsthe Boardis considering publishing.We ask that the Boardtake into accountAAFAF's positionsas set forth below.
Whilethe Governmentsupportstransparencyregarding disclosureof budget re-apportionmentand reprogramming requests,the Boardhasa responsibilityto makesuchdisclosures in a way that balancesall aspectsof governmentalfunctioning. We therefore urge the Boardto conduct a careful and thoughtful review of each document it intends to discloseand take into accountspecificfactors uniqueto those documents(as we have done below) rather than take a one-size-fits-allapproach.
In general,all of the documentswere providedto the Boardwith an expectationthat the Government'sprivilegeswould be respected. The publicationof privilegeddocumentsover the Government'sobjection would impair the trust that is vital to our continuedjoint efforts. Moreover,we believepublicationof the materialswe have identified could underminethe Government's regulatoryfunction, poserisksto publicsafety, and reveal privilegedGovernmentdeliberations.
It isparticularlyimportantto preservetheintegrityofthe Government'sdeliberationsregardingissuesof publicpolicyand public safety, both of which are implicatedin the documentsthe Boardhas indicatedan intent to publish. In addition, if the Boardpublishesrecordsof the Government'sinternaldecision- makingprocesses,it couldinadvertentlyunderminethe Board's own deliberativeprocessprivilegeclaimsin litigation with creditors. Just as the Boardand Government'sinternal deliberationsregardingthe developmentof the fiscal plan are legallyprotectedfrom disclosure,soshouldbedocuments regarding budget deliberations.
Attachedand summarizedbelow are the particulardocuments that illustrate these issuesand should not be published. While the Boardmayhavealreadymadea decisionto publishthe Government'sre-apportionmentand reprogrammingrequests,

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