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the Governmentrequeststhat the Boardreconsiderthat position with respectto these documents.
PublicationWould CompromiseGovernmentalFunction
FY19Request#14 - BudgetIncrease- SpecialIndependent ProsecutorPanel(Request).pdf. In this letter, the Special IndependentProsecutorPanelrevealsthat it will not have adequatefundsto investigateandprosecutepoliticalcorruption underthecertifiedbudget. Publicdisseminationofthis information,includingto partiescurrentlyunderinvestigationor in court proceedings,could harm the SpecialIndependent Prosecutor'sinvestigationand prosecutionefforts.
FY19Request#2 - BudgetIncrease- Office of the Commissioner of Insurance(Request).pdf. In this letter, the OCInotesthat after the hurricanes,the insuranceindustry has becomea dependentandvital sectorof the localeconomy,whichdemands a high degree of scrutiny to ensure even more protection of the insured'srights as a matter of public policy. It arguesthat the expenditurelimits establishedby the Boardwill makeit impossiblefor the OCRto fulfill its statutory duties and responsibilitiestowardsthe publicinterest. Disclosureof such informationto the generalpublic,includingCCI-regulated entities, could harm OCl's regulatoryand enforcementefforts.
FY19Request#40 - BudgetIncrease- Officeof the Financial Institutions Commissioner(Request).pdf. A letter from the Commissionerof FinancialInstitutions notes,"federal regulatory agenciesare closelywatching the growth of the financial sector in Puerto Ricoand are concernedabout OCFI'spossiblelack of resourcesto handlethe same.
" It alsostatesthat cutting the budget"may harmthe best interest of our financial industry and the good name of Puerto Rico." Publicdisseminationof this information, includingto regulatedfinancialinstitutions,couldharmthe OFCI'sregulatory and enforcementefforts.
PublicationWould RiskPublicSafety
PP2019-18223.pdf. In this letter, the NationalGuardrequests funds to hire nine private security guards to provide surveillance to an armorythat storessensitiveequipmentand materials. The requestedamountwouldallowguardsto beavailableto cover for vacationsand illnesses. Disclosureof the vulnerability at this armorycouldcompromisethe securityof the sensitiveitems stored there.
2019-18421.pdf. In this letter, the PoliceDepartmentrequests fundsto purchaseammunition. If the publicbecameawareof
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