Page 21 - THE OLD NENE A5
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Driving Range & Practice Facilities                                                   

   The  Club  has  a  driving  range  and  practice  facility   golfer. Our floodlit driving range has multiple targets
   which  is  open  to  both  Club  members  and  also  the   to  practise  your  aim  along  with  distance  markers.
   general public. If you are looking to sharpen up your   Each bay is individually divided.
   game or give golf a try then it is certainly the place to
   visit.                                 Tokens for the driving range can be purchased at the
   12 bay flood lit driving range ideally situated next to
   our bar and restaurant and 9 hole golf course  For  more  information  regarding  golf  lessons  please
                                          contact us:
   From  beginners  to  experts  everyone  is  welcome  at    Clubhouse 01487 815 622
   Our driving range has 12 covered bays along with 5    Email
   additional  mats  outside  perfect  for  all  standards  of                       The Old Nene Golf & Country Club      page  21
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