Page 27 - THE OLD NENE A5
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The Old Nene welcomes Juniors of all ages. What’s more, the golf swing is one of the few athletic For more information on coaching, facilities, junior
movements that engages every major muscle group in green fees and membership please contact us on
Being a self-officiating game, golf demands honesty the body, which brings obvious benefits too.
and integrity from those who play it. Additionally, it
helps develop problem-solving skills and teaches the It's fun! This is the single most important reason to Alternatively, call us direct on 01487 815 622.
importance of good sportsmanship. get your kids playing golf.
These are important lessons that will stand your kids Yes, it can be frustrating when you don’t hit the shot
in good stead as they go through life. you’d planned to, or when you don’t quite hole a putt
– but that’s all part of what makes it such a fun and
Golf is a great option, particularly because you don’t addictive game.
need a high level of base fitness to start. The average
18-hole round requires you walk between four and When all is said and done, there are few things that
five miles on foot, burning approximately 1,500 compares to the feeling of flushing a shot. Give your
calories in the process. You can also play 9 holes if you kids that feeling and they’ll be hooked for life. We can
want. pretty much guarantee it. The Old Nene Golf & Country Club page 27