Page 2 - Bewdley Pines PRINT
P. 2

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   COMPETITION                    DATE            TIME
                                   Mem. No.  Handicap  Strokes Rec'd  Please Indicate
   Marker                                                   which Tee used
                                                          PAR 69
   Player A                                               SSS  67
                                                          PAR 69
   Player B                                               SSS  65
                                                          PAR 69
   Player C                                               SSS  69
                     WHITE  YELLOW  Stroke  Score   Nett  w = +  Ladies Stroke
        Marker's                                        L  = -
    HOLE  Score  Name  Yards  Yards PAR Index  A  B  C  Score  H = 0  Yards Index
     1        Up & Over  479  469  5  17                     469  18
     2        Table Top  356  320  4  6                      316  4
     3       Habberley Valley  367  347  4  2                274  2
     4        The Snake  306  290  4  12                     262  12
     5        Twin Peaks  212  180  3  10                    167  6
     6        Two Tiers  182  182  3  5                      138  8
     7        Watery End  352  258  4  13                    248  10
     8        The Mast  330  315  4  16                      296  14
     9        Twin Oaks  224  220  3  8                      170  16
                      2808  2581  34  OUT                    2340  OUT
     10       Hobday Hill  401  375  4  3                    401  3
     11       The Pines  453  435  5  15                     405  11
     12       Long Tom  444  414  4  1                       385  1
     13      Bakers Dozen  238  234  4  18                   228  17
     14       Gorse Valley  141  125  3  14                  116  9
     15      Bluebell Wood  329  324  4  7                   319  5
     16      Malvern View  410  371  4  4                    317  15
     17      Homeward Bound  367  341  4  9                  309  7
     18      Clubhouse Drive  198  188  3  11                170  13
           STABLEFORD  2981  2807  35  IN                    2650  IN
           POINTS OR
           NETT SCORE  2808  2581  34  OUT                   2340  OUT
                      5789  5388  69 TOTAL                   4990 TOTAL
                               HANDICAP                     Holes won ......
                               NETT SCORE                   Holes Lost ......
                                                            Result .............

   Player’s Signature:              Marker’s Signature:
   ................................................................................  .....................................................................................
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