Page 36 - InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort - Lookbook
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MCLARENS style thatched dinner pavilions DREAMWORLD
lit by flaming torchlight – the
LANDING. most picturesque way for your Inject a sharp burst of
Introduce delegates to one of delegates to experience enigmatic energy into your
Australia’s natural wonders, Australia’s natural beauty. event with Dreamworld
McLarens Landing on South opening the gateway to a child-
Stradbroke Island, the NIGHTQUARTER. like land of adventure and
ultimate experiential dining excitement.
destination outside of the Introducing NightQuarter, the
Resort. Nestled in Gold Coast’s ultimate Catering for groups ranging
subtropical forest on the playground for locals, tourists from 10 to 5000 guests,
northern edge of the Gold and delegates alike. possibilities are endless, with
Coast, sweep your delegates the option for rides and
away for a night of castaway- Home to a range of local attractions to be opened
themed entertainment. micro-restauraunts, live music exclusively for your guests.
at The Paddock and night Centre your cocktail party in
Start your night of island markets lit up throughout, the the Land Of Awesomeness's
adventure travelling to weekly festival provides a ancient Chinese Village,
McLarens Landing via a 40- unique location for private finishing the night with a ride
minute ride aboard a luxury functions, both small and large. on the Skadoosh bumper cars.
32 metre catamaran, gliding Get guests roaring about your
over pristine waters at sunset Shipping containers make up event with a hosted sit-down
and spotting Bottlenose the quirky spaces, while share dinner on Tiger island
Dolphins, Sea Turtles and platters, grazing boxes and featuring live tiger shows and
Dugongs on your journey. buffet dining sourced from interactive encounters.
NightQuarter food vendors
Arrive at the still-water ensures that groups get a taste Let Dreamworld inspire as you
private beach on McLarens of the Gold Coast’s distinct deliver guests a ‘dream’ event
Landing, discovering all- flavours. they are unlikely to ever
weather, island forget.