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A C T I V I T Y   B R O C H U R E

        BIRD WALK                           SAND FLATS TOUR                      GARDEN TOUR

        With nature at the heart of         What lays below the surface          The garden tour unlocks
        Hayman, birdlovers will adore       of the ocean is fascinating.         a myriad of tropical plant
        this insightful tour. Observe an    Low tides reveal 100 meters          species native to Hayman
        array of species including          of beach-front shoreline             Island. From Orchids to the
        Cockatoos, Rainbow Lorikeets,       that is scattered with coral,        renowned Michelia, known
        Stone Curlews, Kingfisher and       sea urchins and sea-shells. Wade     as the ‘perfume tree’ for
        Kookaburras.                        through shallow waters and feel      inspiring one of the most
                                            the sand on your feet as you         famous perfumes in the world,
        This walk takes you into the        explore Hayman at low tide.          discover lush gardens at a
        heart of the island, into places                                         gentle pace with your
        more remote and untouched.          Complimentary                        knowledgeable guides.

        Complimentary                                                            Complimentary
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