Page 35 - MICE Lookbook
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InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Our Insider Tip is to try out the
Resort has partned with Be Go Team challenge, one of Be
Challenged in order to bring Challenged's most successful
interactive team-building (and popular) exercises. Go
exercises onsite. Designed to turn Team is a state-of-the-art GPS
individuals into collborators and enabled treasure hunt
more effective team-players. application that turns the
Resort into the ultimate
Be Challenged drives teamwork, adventure for your delegates.
effective communication, planning
and leadership as the foundations of Installed on iPads, teams travel
any effective team. around the property completing
location based quizzes, team
Designing a host of team building challenges including photo and
activities, suited for any group size, video contests and problem
and tailored to the specific objectives solving missions to name a few.
of clients, Be Challenged ensure
positive and rewarding events that Creating both a competitive and
delegates can bring from the Resort collaborative experience, team
to the office. members will learn to
authentically engage with one
Choose from half day and full day another, strengthening the
sessions, energising exercises or ice team dynamic and of course,
breaker activities. they will have a lot of fun in the