Page 142 - Professional Services Networks
P. 142
IR Global The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
Address: IP Lawyers Network
Contact: Tom Wheeler Address:
Email: Michow & Partner
Telephone: 44 1675 443396 Lenhartzstr. 15
Fax: 20249 Hamburg
Website: Germany
Number of Firms: 800 Contact: Dr. Johannes Ulbricht
Number of Lawyers: Email:
Regions: Global Telephone: +49 40 4605767
Fax: +49 40 46881417
Description: International Referral is the Website:
next generation of networking and an
evolution of the way firms promote Number of Firms: 66
themselves. The group is designed to assist Number of Lawyers:
forward-thinking firms with the highest Regions: Global
standards by providing new business
opportunities and a reliable referral service. Description: Our intellectual property
specialists provide high-level legal services,
Based on ethical principles, the focus is on protecting and managing your intellectual
quality, trust, and shared ideals. This creates property globally. All law firms connected
a hub that can cater to any need! The to our network have experience in protecting
International Referral head office is trademarks, copyrights, patents, designs, and
available to provide introductions, referrals, trade secrets. In addition, all lawyers
recommendations, advice, and support connected to the IP Lawyers Network have
within the business, high net worth, and extensive knowledge of media,
luxury sectors. entertainment, and sports law as well as
We offer members unrivalled exposure and highly-rated litigators within the field of
value by being able to provide a platform for intellectual property law. Our global team of
them to feature an up to date profile on their IP lawyers will look after your business
business, current news, deal and advisory interests in the most meticulous manner.
requests and strategic proposals where
required. iSfin – Islamic Finance Advisors
InterServe Address:
Address: Contact: Laurent Marliere
808 Travis St., Ste. 905 Email:
Houston, TX 77002-5710 Telephone: + 32 483 359 515
U.S. Fax:
Contact: Stephen E. Handel, Esq.
Email: Number of Firms: 50
Telephone: 713 224 5011 Number of Lawyers:
Fax: 713 224 5018 Regions: Global
Description: iSfin is the world’s leading
Number of Firms: 10 network of Islamic Finance law specialists.
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: U.S. iSfin members are all specialists from elite
law firms with an international focus and
Description: U.S.-based multidisciplinary deep understanding of Islamic finance.
alliance of independent professional firms
having a global reach and serving
international trade and investment markets.
The firms of InterServe are dedicated to
encouraging and facilitating global
Address: IP Lawyers Network
Contact: Tom Wheeler Address:
Email: Michow & Partner
Telephone: 44 1675 443396 Lenhartzstr. 15
Fax: 20249 Hamburg
Website: Germany
Number of Firms: 800 Contact: Dr. Johannes Ulbricht
Number of Lawyers: Email:
Regions: Global Telephone: +49 40 4605767
Fax: +49 40 46881417
Description: International Referral is the Website:
next generation of networking and an
evolution of the way firms promote Number of Firms: 66
themselves. The group is designed to assist Number of Lawyers:
forward-thinking firms with the highest Regions: Global
standards by providing new business
opportunities and a reliable referral service. Description: Our intellectual property
specialists provide high-level legal services,
Based on ethical principles, the focus is on protecting and managing your intellectual
quality, trust, and shared ideals. This creates property globally. All law firms connected
a hub that can cater to any need! The to our network have experience in protecting
International Referral head office is trademarks, copyrights, patents, designs, and
available to provide introductions, referrals, trade secrets. In addition, all lawyers
recommendations, advice, and support connected to the IP Lawyers Network have
within the business, high net worth, and extensive knowledge of media,
luxury sectors. entertainment, and sports law as well as
We offer members unrivalled exposure and highly-rated litigators within the field of
value by being able to provide a platform for intellectual property law. Our global team of
them to feature an up to date profile on their IP lawyers will look after your business
business, current news, deal and advisory interests in the most meticulous manner.
requests and strategic proposals where
required. iSfin – Islamic Finance Advisors
InterServe Address:
Address: Contact: Laurent Marliere
808 Travis St., Ste. 905 Email:
Houston, TX 77002-5710 Telephone: + 32 483 359 515
U.S. Fax:
Contact: Stephen E. Handel, Esq.
Email: Number of Firms: 50
Telephone: 713 224 5011 Number of Lawyers:
Fax: 713 224 5018 Regions: Global
Description: iSfin is the world’s leading
Number of Firms: 10 network of Islamic Finance law specialists.
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: U.S. iSfin members are all specialists from elite
law firms with an international focus and
Description: U.S.-based multidisciplinary deep understanding of Islamic finance.
alliance of independent professional firms
having a global reach and serving
international trade and investment markets.
The firms of InterServe are dedicated to
encouraging and facilitating global