Page 14 - UPDATED Front Cover 2017 for PDF complete for website.indd
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                 PAGE            C continued      PAGE            D continued       PAGE            F
              D10 - D11  Chest Handles       D Section, K10  Door Handles         Y17, Y18  F Section for Brush Strips
                   B8  Christmas Tree Clips     V Section  Door Hinges                X2  Fan Guards
               D18, D19  Clamp Levers               F3  Door Hold Back                X1  Fans
              H16 - H22  Clamps                 F Section  Door Holders              V12  Fast Fix Hinges
                  F18  Clevis Joints               M12  Door Kits                    Y16  Fastener Tape
                  T10  Clevis Pins                  N6  Door Latch                    Z3  Fence Post Tops
                   C2  Coat Hook                    F9  Door Retainer                J12  Ferrall for Rotary Latches
               D26, D27  Coffi  n Handles          F10  Door Springs                 Y19  F Holder for Rubber Scraper
                   I6  Coin Operated Cam Lock       F8  Door Stay                     Y5  Filler Strip
                   J6  Collar                      B30  Door Stops                    Y5  Filler Strip Tools
                  M14  Compartment Latch        S Section  Door Track                 H1  Filter Clips
                   L1  Compression Cam Latch    S Section  Door Trolley Kits          L1  Finger Pull
                   J6  Compression Latch Bar        F7  Door Wind Stop                J2  Finger Pull for Cam Lock
               L Section  Compression Latches      Z12  Door Wire Holder              N4  Finger Pull for Push Button Lock
                   Z7  Compression Springs      G Section  Door/Drawer Pulls          N6  Finger Pull Slam Latch
                  D15  Concealed Fix Handles       V31  Double Acting Hinges          Y9  Fir Tree Bulb
               V30 - V35  Concealed Hinges          Y6  Double Bulb Seal & Retainer   I8  Fire Brigade Access Panel Lock Set
                   G1  Concealed Pulls             O31  Double Knuckle Hasp & Staple  H25  Fire Extinguisher Clamps
                  V30  Concealed Spring Hinge      Y20  Double Sided Tape            H25  Fishing Pole Clamps
                  B28  Cone Buff ers               V48  Double Strap Hinges           A9  Fixed Gate Castors
               V Section  Container Door Hinges    N10  Double Throw Deadlock         I1  Fixed Key Latch
               Q Section  Container Door Latches   J10  Dovetail Door Strike Set      I1  Fixed Lever Latch
                  Y15  Container Door Seals     H Section  Draw Down Latches         V33  Flap Spring Hinge
                  B29  Continuous Buff er Strip    O17  Drawer Lock                  B20  Flat Caps
                   V6  Continuous Hinge             G3  Drawer Pull                  H11  Flexible Rubber Hold Down
                  S13  Conveyor System Example  W Section  Drawer Slides              S1  Flocked Sliding Window Channel
               R Section  Cooler Latches           W3  Drawer Slide Brackets          E4  Floor Mounted Magnetic Catch
                  J12  Copper Crimp for Rotary Latches  O7, O8  Drop Bolts           D11  Flop Down Handles
                   U2  Cord Loop             L11, O27, O28  Drop D & T Handles        L6  Flush Compression Latches
                   Z4  Cord Pulleys                O29  Drop D Handle                O18  Flush Deadbolt Latch
                  B29  Corner Buff ers             O29  Drop D Latch                  G3  Flush Grab Handle
                   Z1  Corner Protectors          T8, T9  Drop Locks                 N25  Flush Handles
                  Y15  Corner Tabs                 L11  Drop T Compression Latch  V Section  Flush Hinges
                  Y25  Corners for MacGuard System  O Section  Drop T Handles        O26  Flush Latch
                  T24  Coupling Nut for Threaded Rod  O30  Drop T Latch/Handle       K10  Flush Lever Handle
                   O9  Cover for Spring Bolt        Q7  Drop T Latches - Three Point  N15  Flush Lock with Interior Handle
                   F4  Cover Stay                   X6  Duct Damper Arm               G2  Flush Pulls
                  D25  Crank Handles               J11  Dust Socket                  Q14  Flush Recessed Lock
                   F3  Crescent Stay              PAGE            E               Q Section  Flush Three Point Latches
                  J12  Crimps for Rotary Latches                                  C Section   Fold Down Brackets
                   D3  Cross Knobs                  Q1  Easyfi t Rod Latch          C4, C5  Folding Bracket
                   C1  Cup Hooks                    Y8  Edge Protector               D11  Folding Grab Handles
                   F1  Cupboard Latches            Z10  Electric Latch Release        C4  Folding Leg Bracket
                 PAGE            D                  D1  Elevated Knurl Nuts/Screws   D25  Folding Revolving Grip
                                                   B10  Elliptical Plugs             B28  Foot Bumper
                  T12  D Shackles                   R4  Emergency Release for Cooler Latches  F3  Foot Operated Door Hold Back
                   X1  DC Fans/Blowers             N27  Emergency Release Latch   D11,  Z3  Foot Steps
            O Section, Q6  Deadbolt Latches         S4  End Caps for Track            U3  Footman Loops
                  O16  Deadbolt Sliding Door Latch  U12  End Caps for Cargo Track  A - Z Section   For Hard to Find Hardware
                  O22  Deadlock                    F17  End Fittings for Gas Struts  V53  Forged Gudgeon & Strap
                   V7  Detent Hinges               M17  Entrance Door Latch       R Section  Freezer Door Latches
                  D13  Diecast Handles             Y11  EPDM Adhesive for Sponge Seals  V7  Friction Hinges
            I10, N20 - N23  Digital Gatelock        J2  Escutcheon Cover         W Section  Full Extension Drawer Slides
                  B37  Dished Washers              O38  E Series Skid Steer Lock     V43  Full Leaf Hinges
                  N20  Digital Lock                J14  Euro Cylinder               PAGE           G
                  N23  Digital Lock Kit            O39  Excavator Lock
                  A15  Disc Feet                    F6  Extendible Support Stay      B15  Galvanised Round Caps
                   Z9  Document Holders             Z7  Extension Springs            B19  Galvanised Square Caps
                   H9  Dog Bones                   K13  External Handle              Q17  Garage Door Lock
                  T12  Dog Clips                  Y3, Y4  Extruded Rubber Channel Strips  D2  Gas Spring Handle
                   B6  Domed Round Plugs           T18  Eye Bolts                    F17  Gas Strut End Fitting
             A - Z Section   Doofers               T17  Eye Nuts                  F14, F15  Gas Struts
               F Section  Door Check                T9  Eye Plates for Anti Luce Fasteners  F13  Gas Strut Safety Shroud
                  F10  Door Closer                 T17  Eye Screws                   F13  Gas Strut Safety Sleeve
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