Page 10 - The Language Magazine (Cindy)
P. 10

Gestures can be some of the most direct and
                    GESTURES                                   obvious body language signals. Waving,
                                                               pointing, and using the fingers to indicate
                                                               numerical amounts are all very common and
                                                               easy to understand gestures. Some gestures
                                                               may be cultural, however, so giving a thumbs-
                                                               up or a peace sign in another country might
                                                               have a completely different meaning than it
                                                               does in the United States. Some Gestures had
                                                               also express powerfull messages threw times
                                                               and can have a powerfull meaning.

                 The “raised fist” is the symbol of black nationalist
                 called black panther to assert civil rights for black
                 people during segregation in U.S.A

                                                                “Wakanda Forever”: This gesture is from the
                                                                Marvel movie “Black Panther” who had a huge
                                                                success last year in the box office and has
                                                                become viral

                 To give thumbs up to endorse

                 V for Victory: Churchill used this gesture to

                 express UK’s victory during WWII

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