Page 133 - Mobile Commerce Technology
P. 133


                                                 jQuery Mobile Examples


               เรื่อง                                                                                 หน้า

               jQuery Mobile Pages
               A basic mobile web page
               Multiple pages
               Dialog box
               Examples explained

               jQuery Mobile Transitions
               Fade effect
               Flip effect
               Flow effect
               Pop effect
               Slide effect
               Slidefade effect
               Slideup effect
               Slidedown effect
               Turn effect
               No transition effect
               Reversed effect
               Examples explained

               jQuery Mobile Buttons
               Create a button
               Inline buttons
               Grouped buttons
               Back buttons
               Change the button color
               Buttons with or without rounded corners
               Small or regular size buttons
               Buttons with or without shadows
               Examples explained

               jQuery Mobile Button Icons
               Add icons to buttons
               Add more icons (icons introduced in version 1.4)
               Positioning icons
               Display only the icon
               Remove the circle (disc) Change the icon color
               Examples explained

               jQuery Mobile Popups
               Create a basic popup
               Add padding and margin to the popup
               Close the popup with a right close button
               Close the popup with a left close button
               Undismissible Popup
               Positioning popups
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