Page 15 - FYZICAL FORMULA NEWS - October 2017
P. 15


           December 2-3, 2017            Level 2       Orlando, FL

          LEVEL 1                   This is a comprehensive online course that helps the

           THE                      beginning clinician understand the basics of balance and
                                    vestibular anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, evaluation
           BASICS                   and treatment.  It is online to allow the clinician time to
                                    review the material and understand the process of

                                    managing the balance and vestibular disordered patient.

          LEVEL 2                   This is a two-day intermediate course that provides the

                                    fundamentals for evaluating and treating simple to
          THE                       complex vestibular disorders.  Hands-on laboratory
          BASICS                    sessions will enhance the learner’s ability to properly
                                    perform the testing techniques for vestibular disorders.

          LEVEL 3                   This is a two-day advanced balance and vestibular course
                                    that provides the clinician exceptional evaluating and

          BEYOND                    treating skills and understanding for complex vestibular
                                    disorders.  Dierential diagnosis and understanding the
          THE BASICS                various aspects of ICD-10, billing, and functional vestibular

                                    testing are explored.  Hands-on laboratory sessions will

                                    enhance the learner’s ability to properly perform the testing
                                    techniques for vestibular disorders.

                         SIGN ME UP!

                                                                                FYZICAL THERAPY & BALANCE CENTERS  15.
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