Page 2 - The Sloughi Review_Slide 2
P. 2


                                               S E L I N A   R I C H A R D S

             Later in the Bronze Age, although the             The Altar Stone may have been moved
             exact details of activities during this           within the oval at this time and re-
             period are still unclear, the bluestones          erected vertically. Although this would
             appear to have been re-erected. They              seem the most impressive phase of work,
             were placed within the outer sarsen               Stonehenge 3 IV was rather shabbily
             circle and may have been trimmed in some          built compared to its immediate
             way.                                              predecessors, as the newly re-installed
                                                               bluestones were not well-founded and
             Like the sarsens, a few have timber-              began to fall over. However, only minor
             working style cuts in them suggesting             changes were made after this phase.
             that, during this phase, they may have
             been linked with lintels and were part            Soon afterwards, the north eastern
             of a larger structure.                            section of the Phase 3 IV bluestone
                                                               circle was removed, creating a
             This phase saw further rearrangement of           horseshoe-shaped setting (the Bluestone
             the bluestones. They were arranged in a           Horseshoe) which mirrored the shape of
             circle between the two rings of sarsens           the central sarsen Trilithons. This
             and in an oval at the centre of the               phase is contemporary with the Seahenge
             inner ring. Some archaeologists argue             site in Norfolk.
             that some of these bluestones were from
             a second group brought from Wales. All            The Y and Z Holes are the last known
             the stones formed well-spaced uprights            construction at Stonehenge, built about
             without any of the linking lintels                1600 BC, and the last usage of it was
             inferred in Stonehenge 3 III.                     probably during the Iron Age.
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