Page 6 - Your Story Kenya Sample. Pages 1,2,3,4,5,16,25,26
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The 52nd
or some, like Akuya, the setbacks he has faced, from a very vered.”
young age have only been a part of a chain reaction that has s we all know, the life of an artist is one that is notably involv-
Fled him to where he is today- Akuya, the Poet.Currently stud- ing. One would wonder if Akuya is able to cope considering
ying in Film and Theatre Arts at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, the Athe fact that he is also a University Student. Well, he frank-
21-year-old has indubitably exploited his talent and passion for ly states that he has got this far and maintained a balance in life
the Arts. He has gone from a regular high school kid who found love through effective time management. This includes setting his pri-
and therapy in writing short stories – that evolved into poetry, to orities right. He adds that indeed success doesn’t come on a silver
joining the Nakuru Players Theatre where he eventually hosted a platter; therefore, he also has to sacrifice his sleep.
poetry show and had his first performance. The multi talented young man is constantly recharging. He tries
ubsequently, doors opened though it took mustering up of not to chew more than he can swallow and sharpens his skills dai-
courage to search and enquire on shows he could perform ly. He believes in doing his ‘own thing’ and is unique in his own way.
Sat. Amid his search, he stumbled upon Upgrade Poetry which He has goals and aspiration which he works towards and looks up
boosted his growth as a spoken word artist and poet. He is now an to some artists such as H_art the Band. “They have uniquely beau-
exemplary performer and has been privileged to work with per- tiful personalities and their hard work is admirable.”
sons from various sectors in the Creative Arts industry. With his soaring reputation, amazingly active imagination and
e was invited to the Fatuma’s Voice Event and just six mad talent, there is no doubt that Akuya’s dream to be Kenya’s
months into his career, scooped the legendary title, 52nd best storyteller through poetry, spoken word and film will defi-
HSlam Africa King. Well, certainly, the title didn’t come easy. nitely come to pass.
During the interview, Akuya was candid about the entire experi- Besides poetry performances, if you ever need work well-done
ence. “…but before I won, I had lost once. I didn’t even make it to the in digital film editing, motion graphics and graphic design do not
second round of the competition. But that never stopped me from hesitate to reach Akuya Ekorot. He is the man for the job.
trying again! Neither did the many gigs I had done without getting Contact him on:
any payment.” He went on saying, “It’s all about focus! The plan I
had for my future mattered. So I stuck to my plan and never wa-