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It is, to tell the truth quite much more) and finding out what ‘Facebook’ As with all families, Heriot’s doesn’t want to lose touch with former Shirley A Rintoul
intimidating to have is. I also sometimes say, ‘actually, I’m more pupils once they fly the School nest. Once a Herioter, always a Herioter! Laura Ross
someone ask you to write certain of what I’m not going to do’ – most If you can help us reconnect with anyone on the list below, please get Christianne Scribner
‘your final “Last Word”, but importantly, I’ll not be getting up at 5.50am Martin J S Shipway
here they are! I’m glad to be every morning – unless of course I have a in touch. We are especially keen to find the lost members of the Class of Andrew E Simmons
making this last contribution flight to catch. 1968 whose 50th Anniversary will be in May and also those we have lost Paul Jamie Spence
as Principal to Quadrangle touch with from the Class of 1992 who will be reuniting after 25 years Monica Turner
and I’m grateful to Eleanor But get up then I do, with creaks and yawns, this autumn. James H Wyllie
Porter for the kind article but, essentially, joyfully, seeing ahead Christopher D Young
that appears elsewhere in another day helping to run what one very
this edition. I want to start splendid former pupil always refers to as ‘the 50th Anniversary Reunion – 25th Anniversary Reunion –
by thanking Eleanor and big blue ship Heriot’s’. I would not want to Class of ‘68 Class of ‘92 1960s
the Development team (my go without very sincerely thanking everyone David Y Aitken Corinne F Anderson David Clyne 1962
great friend Jo Easton, Kellie who keeps that ship afloat, not least those John D Brewster Wasim Ashraf David Cardin 1966
Thomson and Catherine of you who are able to contribute to the Raymond J Brock Kashifa Aslam
Fong) for their work, which is Foundation Fund, for it is an excellent vessel Michael A Chapman Martin Brock 1980s and 90s
so at the heart and purpose and it steers a clear course, purposefully and John M Clarkson Julie M Carlyle
of what we do; I wish them happily. It was a great thing for me to be Robert S Cooper Richard A Carruthers Andrew Stoddart 1980
continuing success as they a pupil here for thirteen years and a great Keith Dixon Nial Cavaye Graham Meikle 1981
cheerfully strive for the thing also when fate – more or less – brought Colin G Dunnan Michael H Clements Craig Watson 1982
Foundation and for Heriot’s. me back to teach 26 years ago. Lots has D Edwards Valerie L Cossar Jillian O’Neill 1984
happened but it seems to have happened Ronald S Elder Ronald D Crosbie Vicky McPherson 1991
It is, of course, still some quite quickly and I know that, as I reflect in Colin H Gordon Richard Davies David Gilchrist 1995
Mr Wyllie fourteen weeks or so until years ahead, I will continue to count myself A Gray Lewis R Fisher
I actually retire, but the summer is turning a very lucky wee laddie from West Lothian to Rhona A Fox 2000s
colder, the boys and girls are well underway have had this long and happy relationship Neil C Hay Sarah J Fraser Kirsty Halliday 2002
with the new term, and our more recent FPs with an institution that I love. David G Imrie Stuart K R Garson Edward Burns 2005
are thinking about returning to university. It’ll Alan Kemp Jason Hamm
be autumn soon, then winter, then Christmas I wish all the readers of Quadrangle, old and Alex H Kyle Lily Ho Emma Smith 2007
and I will have packed and gone. So, leaving young, happiness and good health in the David W MacDonald Katy A G Hunter Luisa Davidson 2008
Heriot’s is on my mind a great deal. years ahead! Alistair J K McDougall Jason V Kay Greig Easton 2008
Thomas M Munro Sheonad C Laidlaw Cameron Essien 2010
People – friends, pupils, parents, colleagues, Andrew K Nisbet Mary Lau Eva Grabowiecka 2010
former pupils – keep asking me ‘what are Colin M Reid Gavin Macdonald Katrina Smith 2010
you going to do when you retire?’ and, James M Stott Sine M MacDonald Felicity Law 2012
according to my mood, I select items from Colin Thomson James M Malcolm Sarah Blackie 2013
my hypothetical list which includes writing, Michael West Catherine L Mallick Louise Mocogni 2014
gardening, travelling, learning to play the George White Robert M Mason Milo van Mesdag 2015
ukulele, making more ice cream (probably Cameron Wyllie Gordon A Wilson Christopher Nolan Alasdair Steuart 2016