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           FORMER                                                                                                                                                  2002, followed by early postgraduate training   has allowed me to not only move to London to
                                                                                                                                                                     Rohana graduated from Edinburgh in
                                                                                                                                                                                                         “The show provided me with a platform that
                                                                                                                                                                   in South-East Scotland and higher specialist
                                                                                                                                                                                                      work full-time as a model - which I constantly
                                                                                                                                                                                                      pinch myself about - but also to work as an
                                                                                                                                                                   training in Endocrinology & Diabetes in the
           PUPIL NEWS                                                                                                                                              North-East of England. In 2013, Rohana was   Influencer, a job title that didn’t even exist
                                                                                                                                                                   awarded a research degree by the University
                                                                                                                                                                                                      whilst I was at school.
                                                                                                                                                                   of Edinburgh for her studies into the effects of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         That aside, I hope that another positive
                                                                                                                                                                   hypoglycaemia on the brain and vasculature.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      legacy of taking part in Britain’s Next Top
                                                                                                                                                                   Since 2015 she has worked as a Consultant
                                                                                                                                                                                                      sister, entering second year at the start of
                                                                                                                                                                   in Endocrinology, Diabetes and General   Model is being able to give my youngest
                                                                                                                                                                   Medicine at St John’s Hospital, Livingston and   next term, some added cool points - not that
                                                                                                                                                                   the Edinburgh Centre for Endocrinology &   she needs them!”
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Book Mystery Solved
         Time Flies                         Narrow Olympic Miss                All That Jazz                                                                        Rohana Wright
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The mystery of a 19th century Heriot’s prize
         Former Red Arrows pilot David Hamilton (1966)                         Pianist Fraser Urquhart (2011) has been named                                                                          book found in a Canadian second –hand
         has had a book published about his 30-year                            the Rising Star of 2017 at the prestigious                                                                             shop, which we featured in the last edition of
         flying career.                                                        Scottish Jazz Awards.                              “I look forward to continuing to work closely                       Quadrangle, has been solved by an incredible
           Time Flies – Reflections of a Fighter Pilot                            Fraser, who started piano lessons with Ms     with the School, the Heriot Club committee and                        coincidence.
         begins at Heriot’s where David gained his                             Barlow in the School chapel at the age of        the wider Heriot’s community in the UK and                               Readers of Quadrangle 31 will have seen the
         pilot’s licence whilst serving in the RAF Section                     eight, is currently studying for an MA in Music   overseas. In particular, I feel we can support                       short article entitled Book Mystery on page 8.
         of the CCF. He joined the RAF straight from                           at the University of Edinburgh. He is an active   the School’s fundraising and profile raising                         The report appealed for information on behalf
         school and qualified as a fighter pilot, flying                       member of the Scottish Jazz community and        objectives by engaging with our wide network                          of Sophia Gelfant, a 22-year old Canadian
         Lightnings and F-4 Phantoms, including                                performs in venues across the country from       of former Herioters and by hosting a number of                        student, who picked up a copy of ‘Frank Martin,
         from the deck of HMS Ark Royal. He also                               Gleneagles to the Edinburgh Jazz Bar.            key social events throughout the year.”                               or a Schoolboy’s Trials and Victories: A Tale for
         commanded a Tornado F3 squadron and air                                  Fraser said, “It was a thrill winning           The next Heriot Club event is Cocktails in the                      the Young’ when she was researching an essay
         base and flew with the Red Arrows.                                    something for the first time in my life! If it   Quad which this year will be held on Saturday                         for her Victorian Children’s Literature class.
           David held staff appointments in the MoD,                           hadn’t been for Jo Barlow convincing me by       4th November 2017. For tickets please                                    The bookplate, showing that the book
         NATO HQ and as air advisor to General Sir                             S6 that the piano is a mysterious and beautiful   contact Sandra Lockhart on sandralockhart@                           was awarded at George Heriot’s Hospital in
         Peter de la Billiere after the First Gulf War. He                     instrument, and for my parents making me                    Runway Success                     February 1883 to a William T White as second
         took early retirement from the RAF, as a Group                        continue my lessons, I’d have quit and tried to                                     Catwalk stardom beckons for Simone Murphy   prize for Ornamental Handriting, particularly
         Captain, and then spent twelve years with the                         be a guitar-playing rockstar in S2! Jazz changed   Medical Honours                  (2011) after reaching the final of the reality TV   piqued Sophia’s interest and prompted her
         defence industry on the Eurofighter project                           my view and understanding of things.”                                               show Britain’s Next Top Model.     to contact Heriot’s to see if more could be
         based both in the UK and Germany.                                                                                      Two former classmates are making their mark   The Edinburgh University graduate is   uncovered.
                                                                                                                                in the world of medicine, being awarded   now working full time as a model after being   Within days of the Quadrangle article being
                                                                                                                                Fellowships by the Royal College of Physicians   selected for the 11th series of the competition   published, Junior School teacher Elaine Clarke
                                                                                                                                of Edinburgh.                      which aired earlier this year.  Simone, along   (who retired at the end of session) was able to
                                                                                                                                  Jane Rimer and Rohana Wright, both   with her fellow contestants were seen being put   let us know that William T White was in fact
                                                                                                                                members of the Class of 1997, were made   through their paces in a series of challenges   her great, great uncle who was a day scholar at
                                                                                                                                Fellows (RCPE) in March this year. Jane   including photoshoots, catwalk shows and   Heriot’s between 1880 and 1883. After leaving
                                                                                                                                graduated from the University of Edinburgh   dance routines.          Heriot’s he ran a second hand furniture shop in
                                                                                                                                School of Medicine in 2003. After completing                          the Grassmarket, where he worked alongside
                                                                                                                                higher specialist training in South East Scotland                     Elaine’s great-grandfather who was also a
                                             WCF/Richard Gray                                                                   has being been working as a Consultant in                             Herioter. How the book came to be in Canada
                                                                                                                                Geriatrics and General Medicine at St. John’s                         however, is still a mystery.
                                            World Champion curler Bruce Mouat (2012)                                            Hospital in Livingston since 2014. As well as her
                                            has narrowly missed out on qualifying for the                                       medical studies Jane also has a Postgraduate
                                            next Winter Olympics despite an impressive                                          Diploma in Cello from the London Royal
                                            performance at the World Mixed Doubles   New Heriot Club President                  Academy of Music.
                                            Championships earlier this year.
                                              Alongside his playing partner, Gina Aitken,   In April, Neil McLaughlan (1987) became the   Jane Rimer
                                            Bruce only lost two out of eleven games at the   new President of the Heriot Club.                                                                           Please send all suggestions for the
                                            Worlds in April, but even this success couldn’t   Neil, who took over from Chris Sibbald                                                                     Former Pupil News pages of the
                                            secure the Scots a place.          (2008), has a longstanding connection with                                                                                Autumn edition of Quadrangle to:
                                              “Gina and I played one of the best   the School as a former pupil, parent and Heriot                                                             
                                            tournaments of our season but unfortunately   Club member: “I left Heriot’s myself what                                 Simone in P1 and today               All submitted photographs must be in
                                            we lost two games at vital times which resulted   seems like 10 years ago although in fact it was                                                            focus and at least 200 dpi.
                                            in Great Britain missing a spot at the Olympics,”   1987!” he joked.                                                     Simone said of her experience: “I was
                                            said Bruce, refusing to be down heartened by   “My tenure as President will last for at least                          over the moon to represent my country as
                                            the narrow miss.                   2 years and with our son going into Primary 3                                       the first Scottish contestant in years and
                                              “It is always a great experience playing at   and our daughter going into nursery this year,                         although I placed fifth, the support I received
                                            a World Championship and I will continue my   my connection with the school will last for                              from Scottish creatives and the media was
                                            training to try and reach that level again.”  many years to come.                                                      overwhelming.
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