Page 9 - Gi_November2020
P. 9

industry & government news

                 SCOTTISH GREEN HYDROGEN                                           by its project partner ITM Power, which

                                                                                   will split water into hydrogen and
                 SCHEME GEARS UP TO FUEL                                           oxygen molecules.
                                                                                     The third company within the
                                                                                   partnership, BOC, specialises in
                 FERRIES, BUSES AND TRAINS                                         compressing and distributing gases and
                                                                                   will help transport the hydrogen gas to
                                                                                   councils, factories and transport depots
                                                                                   across the country.
                                                                                     “Green hydrogen is something
                                                                                   that everyone is talking about,”
                                                                                   said Lindsay McQuade, Head of
                                                                                   Renewables at Scottish Power, “but we
                                                                                   wanted to do something about it. This
                                                                                   is a pioneering partnership which
                                                                                   brings together skills from all the
                                                                                   companies involved.”
                                                                                     The hydrogen gas can be used in
                                                                                   place of methane-rich North Sea gas to
                                                                                   run power plants, heavy machinery and
                                                                                   transport vehicles without adding to
                                                                                   the greenhouse gas emissions that are
                                                                                   accelerating the climate crisis.
                                                                                     Scottish Power’s first project will
                                                                                   be based near a new solar farm that it
                                                                                   plans to build near the site of the largest
                                                                    HYDROGEN BUSES HAVE BEEN
                                                                      TRIALLED PREVIOUSLY IN   onshore windfarm in the UK – Whitelee,
                                                                      OTHER PARTS OF THE UK  south of Glasgow. The site is also
                                                                                   expected to be equipped with a 'super
                 SCOTTISH POWER’S WIND and solar   in producing and distributing the zero   battery', which can store and release
                 farms will soon help produce green   carbon gas. Hydrogen is expected to   clean electricity when it is needed.
                 hydrogen to run buses, ferries and even   play a major role in helping the UK to   The plans are expected to be
                 trains as part of a pioneering strategic   meet its climate targets, according to   replicated across the country using
                 partnership to develop the UK’s nascent   The Guardian.           Scottish Power’s windfarms, solar
                 hydrogen economy.                  Scottish Power will use the clean   panels and battery installations to
                   The renewable energy company,   electricity generated by a major new   use renewable energy when it is at its
                 owned by Spain’s Iberdrola, will work   solar farm planned for a site near   cheapest to run the electrolysers that
                 alongside companies that specialise   Glasgow to run an electrolyser, owned   create hydrogen.

                  OFGEM SEEKS VIEWS TO HELP DESIGN DIGITAL                        consultancies and charities that
                                                                                  provide guidance and information on
                  SERVICES FOR LOW CARBON HEAT SCHEMES                            renewable energy, biomethane, heat
                                                                                  pump and biomass boiler installers
                                                                                  and renewable trade associations can
                   OFGEM IS SEEKING views to help   Ofgem has been named as the   also participate in the research.
                   design user-friendly digital services   intended administrator for the   Ofgem states: “These research
                   for future low carbon heat schemes in   schemes and is inviting participants   sessions will focus on the design of
                   the UK, reports Energy Live News.  to assist in the research by   the digital services.
                     It is conducting research to capture   means of interviews, workshops,   “We welcome any learnings and
                   insights to help identify users,   questionnaires and surveys.  feedback from organisations or
                   their needs and obtain feedback   It welcomes participation from   individuals who have experience of
                   and recommendations on how the   anyone with an interest in the new   Ofgem’s current schemes or of their
                   regulator can provide excellent user   schemes, including homeowners   implementation. Your input will help
                   experience for the proposed services.  and housing organisations with heat   to ensure that the services meet the
                     It follows a consultation launched by   pumps or biomass boilers installed   needs of CHG and GGSS participants
                   BEIS earlier this year, which included   on their properties, anyone previously   in the years to come.”
                   proposals for two new schemes to   engaged with Ofgem’s digital services,
                   incentivise the cost-effective installation   homeowners looking to install renewable
                   of low carbon heat technologies and the   technologies and small to medium and
                   generation of renewable heat.   large organisations including hotels,
                     They included the Green Gas   housing developers, farms, retailers,
                   Support Scheme (GGSS) and a Clean   universities and NHS Trusts.              TWO NEW SCHEMES AIM TO BOOST
                   Heat Grant (CHG).                In addition, agencies,                       LOW CARBON HEAT TECHNOLOGIES


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