Page 21 - Gi_March2021
P. 21

How a pioneering safety culture has helped National Grid
                                                    Metering respond to the challenges of the pandemic

                                                          s the largest gas meter   people feel comfortable in reporting
                                                          asset manager in the UK,   incidents. They report them more
                                                          National Grid Metering must   readily and the organisation acts
                                                          uphold the highest safety   on them quicker. And, as safety is
                                                   A standards. The imperative to   central to everything NGM does,
                                                    safeguard the organisation’s people,   this willingness to report incidents
                                                    partners and customers is integral   and learn from them speeds up
                                                    to its operations, and has inspired   the organisation’s operations and
                                                    an industry-leading safety culture.   decision-making generally. This
                                                    Most importantly, this distinctive   brings obvious benefits to all kinds
                                                    approach has helped it act quickly   of industrial and commercial
                                                    and decisively in keeping the gas   customers, but has had a particular
                                                    flowing for essential services during   impact on the businesses essential
                                                    the Covid-19 crisis.           to keeping the country running
                                                     Developed after detailed studies of   during the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                    many organisational culture models,   Where the repair or upgrade of gas
                                                    the safety culture at National Grid   metering infrastructure has been
                                                    Metering (NGM) is based on three   vital to their continued operation,
                                                    principles: trust, report, learn. In   NGM has been there to carry out the
                                                    practice, this means trusting the   necessary work swiftly.
                                                    people who work directly with gas   In many cases, project lead times
                                                    assets to report incidents, and then   are being cut to less than a quarter
                                                    learning from this reporting to prevent   of standard expectations. Even
                                                    similar incidents in the future. It’s a   in complex situations, the need
                                                    straightforward approach everyone   for essential services to maintain
                                                    in the organisation can understand   ‘business as usual’ has encouraged
                                                    immediately without special training   an agile approach among NGM’s
                                                    – and this simplicity has been key to   leadership and engineers – an
                                                    its success.                   approach made possible by the
                                                     Perhaps more importantly, the   organisation’s safety culture.
                                                    safety culture works because it   Above all, NGM has continued
                                                    removes all blame. It recognises   serving critical metering
                                                    that, although around 80 per cent of   installations, with 53,000 planned
                                                    incidents involve some sort of human   site visits so far during the
                                                    error, the root cause in most cases   pandemic. The business has also
                                                    is a failure in systems, processes or   continued to support gas supply
                                                    practices. As Phillip Roberts, SHE   consumers, reactively making
                                                    Specialist at NGM, explains, “When   over 80,000 site visits since the
                                                    things go wrong, it’s rarely the fault   first lockdown. Throughout, its
                                                    of the people concerned – there’s   teams have maintained Covid-safe
                                                    usually a more fundamental problem   working practices, with dynamic
                                                    behind it. So, when an incident is   risk assessments in place, and
                                                    reported, any questions are not about   following World Health Organisation
                                                    ‘who’ is responsible, but about ‘how   guidelines as well as those of the
                                                    and why’ it happened.”         Department for Business, Energy
                                                     In this way, NGM learns from   and Industrial Strategy.
                                                    the incident much more quickly,   Examples of NGM’s response to
                                                    and can get on with identifying   customers’ more pressing needs
                                                    and implementing the changes or   during the pandemic include its
                                                    improvements needed to avoid a   involvement with a major NHS
                                                    recurrence. “We always look at the   hospital in the East Midlands. The
                                                    system or process first,” continues   team was working on a large remedial
                                                    Phillip. “If we can make the system   project on the primary IP metering
                                                    reinforce the desired behaviour, we   installation, when another part of
                                                    can be sure we’re supporting our   the hospital’s equipment – which
                                                    people in carrying out their work   was not NGM’s responsibility – failed
                                                    correctly and, above all, safely.”  unexpectedly. This caused a loss
                                                                                   of gas to the vital steam boiler, and
                                                    NO FINGER POINTING MEANS NO DELAYS  the NGM team on site could not
                                                    Crucially, because safety at NGM is all   leave knowing the hospital might
                                                    about learning rather than blaming,   eventually lose its hot water, heating


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