P. 4

   Merino wool's share in world: 80 %               Avivastra is cross of: Merino and Chokla
            Most popular breed of goat for stall feeding     Best carpet wool obtained from ……… breed: Chokla
             is: Barbari                                        (AFO-2020)
            Most popular fine wool breed of world is:        Best drought breed of cattle is: Amrit mahal
             Merino (NABARD)                                  Best drought breed of Rajasthan is: Nagori
            “Operation flood” is related to: Milk            Best hay formed from: Lucerne
            Pica disease is caused by deficiency of which     Black face is character of: Mandya
                                                              Both sexes bearded in ........................ breed: Black
             mineral: Phosphorous                               Bengal
            Quality of egg can be judged by: Candling        Excellent breed of poultry for broiler purpose is:
            Removal of tail in sheep is called as: Docking     Plymouth rock
            Removal of ovaries in female is known as:        Cattle meat is: Beef vs (Calf- Veal)
             Spaying                                           Buffalo share in total milk production in India is: 55
            Mating of the non-descript females to the          %
             pure-bred males over several generations is       Fine leather prepared from goat skin is: Morocco
           known as: Grading up                               First domestic ruminant animal was: Goat
            Selection of one character at a time until it is     Swelling due to the collection of gases in rumen of
             improved by grading is: Tandem                     the animal is: Bloat
           method                                             Protein content in colostrum of cow is 12.8% & in
                                                                buffalo colostrum is: 21.4%
            Smallest breed of sheep in India is: Mandya       Generally ruminant have four chambers stomach
            Steer is a castrated male of: Cattle               e.g. cattle, sheep, goat, deer except
            Tallest breed of sheep in India: Nellore         camel that has: Three chambered rumen
            Teaser bull is used mainly for: Detection of      Milk is rich source of Calcium, Phosphorus and
             heat                                               excellent source of: Vitamin-A
            The breed of goat known as Jersey cow of the      India's position first in world milk production, total
             goat world: Alpine                                 buffaloes, wool production and
           The stage when animal comes in heat is:           total cattle production.
             Proestrus                                         The world's first in vitro fertilized buffalo calf is:
            The breed of cattle that has copper color          Pratham
             body is: Bhadawari                               The most commonly used cryoprotectant for freezing
                                                                of semen is: Glycerol
            Color of egg yolk is due to the pigment:          Collagen is the main proteins of skin/connective
             Xanthophyll                                        tissues
            Milk protein is known as: Casein                  Canabalism is seen in poultry due to: Sodium
            Curled toe paralysis in chicken is caused due      chloride deficiency
             to the deficiency of: Iron                        Cracked feet in poultry is caused by: Deficiency of
           Dual purpose breed of sheep is: Mandya              biotin
            During pregnancy the hormone that become          Degnala and Alkali diseases are caused due to
             high or peak is: Progesterone                      toxicity of: Selenium
            Egg production starts in poultry at the age of:      Crazy chick disease is caused by deficiency of:
             18-20 weeks                                        Vitamin-E
            Egg shell is made up of: CaCO3                    Breed of poultry is excellent for broiler purpose:
                                                                Plymouth rock
           A pregnant cow doesn't come in heat due to        The biggest compartment of ruminant stomach is:
             presence of: Corpusluteum                          Ruman
            Animal protein factor is known as:                The boiling point of milk is: 100.17 °C
             Cobalamine (Vit. B 12)                            The main storage polysaccharide in animal cells is:
            Fat content in double toned milk is: 1.5 %         Glycogen Casein constitute about 80%
            Hay can be stored if moisture per cent below:     of the total protein presentinmilk
             16 %                                              The most variable constituent of milk is:Fat

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