Page 1 - Rotary Newsletter February Final
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                                                                                                    BY THE NUMBERS

                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTIONS TO
          3,518  ROTARIANS  CLUBS  59             6        CASES                +    $201,088     THE ANNUAL FUND
                                                           OF POLIO
                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTIONS TO
                                                                                                  POLIO PLUS
                                                           (TO-DATE 2019)
    Rotarians are Peace Builders!

                          February is Peace and Conflict         Polaris.  Our district conference committee has been
                          Prevention/Resolution month.           hard at work creating an event you are sure to enjoy.
                          The first year I served as a club      We have workshops planned on topics such as: Drug
                          president, 2012-2013, the RI           Abuse Prevention and Education; Are We This Close?
                          president was Sakuji Tanaka of         – a Polio update; Diversity, Adversity and Inclusion;
                          Japan.  Not only was President         and the very popular Mystery Session with me and DG
                          Tanaka one of my                                  Scott from 6650 – fun, fun, fun!  Register
                          favorites, his theme of                           today – don’t miss it!  P.S. – I hear Elvis
                          Peace through Service                             might be making an appearance!
     DG Maxey and         was my favorite
     PRIP Tanaka          Rotary theme (maybe                               Renate and I have enjoyed several club
                  second to Be The Inspiration!).                           fundraisers this month.  We attended
        Renate and I have had the pleasure of                               the Chili Open with the Rotary Club of
        spending some time with President                                   Westerville Sunrise, the Rotary Club of
        Tanaka, and he has the most gentle and                              Gahanna’s Annual Auction, the Athens
        calm demeanor.  He embodies his theme                               Sunrise Murder Mystery – The Curse of
        and Rotarians throughout the world are                              King Tut, and a Drafts for a Difference
        creating Peace through Service every                                fundraiser in Athens as well. Rotarians all
        day.  Rotarians truly are Peace Builders.                           around the District are raising money to
                                                                            support our great causes and to fund many
        The first District 6690 Matching Points                             service projects.
        Campaign is well underway.  Until
        the end of February, you will receive                               Our district is well on its way to a record
        matching points for all personal donations to the RI     year for Polio fundraising.  Thank you to all clubs that
        Annual Fund and/or PolioPlus between $100 and            have held Polio fundraisers.  We made a promise to
        $1,000. This is a great way to achieve your first Paul   the children of the world that we would eradicate
        Harris Fellow or recognize someone special with          polio.  We are this close!
        their very own PHF.  You must follow the specific
        instructions and your donations must be postmarked       Thank you all for allowing me the honor of being
        prior to February 28, 2019 to qualify.  Don’t be late!   your governor.  To lead such caring, compassionate,
                                                                 selfless, talented and giving Rotarians is a thrill I will
        Register today for Better Together, our joint district   not soon forget!
        conference to be held April 12-13, 2019 at the Hilton    Be the Inspiration!
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