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Youth Ministry & WEEKLY EVENTS
Programs Grade 7-12 Sunday School:
Sundays at 9:45 am in the
The FMH Youth Group is a fun way Sanctuary and in the Choir Room.
for students from all over the area to Munchie Monday:
explore the Bible, create friendships, 5:30 pm: Bring your own snacks
do mission work and develop to the Sanctuary for study group.
relationships with fellow 6:30-7:45 pm: Bible Study.
We are welcoming to Traveling Tuesday:
all types of students 6:00-8:15 pm, a new venue every
and love to laugh week, meeting at local arcade or
and have a great restaurants. Bible study afterward.
Pizza & Puzzle Wednesdays:
During the year, we 5:30 pm: Pizza and Brain Games
have weekend retreats and in the Fellowship Hall.
mission projects. During the summer, 6:30 Bible Study Group for High
we are busy with Youth Week, week- School, 9th-12th grade.
long mission trips for Jr. High School
students (UM ARMY, JUMMP), District Share & Study Thursday:
Camp, and helping with our church’s We break into separate Bible Study
VBS and Music Ministry. Check fmh. small groups: Jr. High boys, Jr. High
org for more info! girls, High School boys, and High
School girls. Each class studies
Check out our website, Facebook, different topics and is lead by our
Twitter or Instagram page for Youth Counselors.
6 information and upcoming events.