Page 3 - PSC Intramural Coaches Handbook
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Interactive Session Plan ™
Coach PSC Coaches Handbook Session date 2016-2017 Season Team/Age Group PSC Intramural
PSC Intramural Coaches Handbook Session Plan Time available
Theme Improve Individual Possession & 1v1 Dribbling Skills
PSC 'Striker' / 'Interleague' / '135' Divisions. 60 Minutes
Activity 1 - Dribbling - 10 Points - Warm-Up.
(Area = 30x20. Adjust based on team/numbers) *20 Minute Activity*
Ball Mastery - Players start with 10 points and move the ball in the area using multiple surfaces of both feet.
Players gain points by working hard and responding to instructions…can also lose points if ball stops etc
Coaches `Challenges' - Call Isolated Skill such as Toe-Taps / Inside-Inside Touches etc and players have 10
Click to insert session diagram seconds to perform the skill. Minute to Win It…how many touches in 60 seconds and variations. Award points
Physical Literacy - Call out body part and players have to stop ball and put that body part on the ball. `Call
out way to move - sidesteps or backwards - and players move around area without ball for 10 seconds
Copy Coach - Introduce skills `move' with the ball to beat a player and coach like `Simon Says' so players copy
coach movements then have time challenge to perform the move every 3 touches.
Incorporate Juggling Challenges - Bounce Juggle / A-Z / Set Your PB
Coaching Points:
Technical Ability (Dribbling) -> Control & Distance of Ball / Head-Up & Awareness
Activity 2 - 1v1 Keepaway -> 1v1 Keepaway w/Gates
(Area = 30x20. Adjust based on team/numbers) *10-20 Minute Activity*
Challenge # 1 - Players play 1v1 against a partner…competing for the ball and look to retain possession in
30-45 second games. Rotate players for different match-ups.
Challenge # 2 - As before with players `scoring' by retaining possession and dribbling through gates. Rotate
players for different match-ups.
Challenge # 3 - As before with option for attacking player to combine (pass) with coach(es) to retain
Click to insert session diagram possession
Coaching Points:
Technical Ability (Dribbling) -> Awareness & Ball Control. Individual Possession. Can You Keep The Ball?
Activity 3 - 1v1 Target Ball
(Area = 30x20. Adjust based on team/numbers) *10-20 Minute Activity*
Challenge # 1 - Players play 1v1 against a partner…competing for the ball and player in possession (attacker)
looks to score by knocking making the game ball hit the target ball. Rotate players for different match-ups.
Challenge # 2 - As before with players scoring bonus points if they can beat the defender and dribble the
game ball to touch the target ball. Rotate players for different match-ups.
Challenge # 3 - As before and introduce coach(es) as additional defenders who can try to win the ball in any
Click to insert session diagram game…players may be 1v2 as they look to retain possession and make decision how to protect the ball and/or
Coaching Points:
Technical Ability (Dribbling) -> Awareness & Ball Control. Creativity & Decision Making. How Can You Keep The
Ball & Score?
Activity 4 - Match Condition - Small-Sided Games
(Area = 30x20. Adjust based on team/numbers) *20 Minute Activity*
Set-Up - Split players into teams with pinnies
Small-Sided Games (Recommend 4v4) - Option for multiple teams to rotate or multiple games
Game Option # 1 - Numbers Game where coach assigns players a number and calls numbers who play (1&2
play 1&2 etc)
Click to insert session diagram Game Option # 2 - Bonus Goal for any players who can perform a `move of the day' to beat a player in the
match making good decision when to do it
Game Option # 3 - Bonus Goal for any players who can perform a dribbling `skill' in the match and show
control of the ball as they do it
Game Option # 4 - Let Them Play!
Coaching Points:
Technical Ability (Dribbling) - Running Commentary of the Game. Be Positive. Can You Show Me?
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