Page 1 - The Inside Track - April 2019
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Volume 3 | Issue 2 | April 4, 2019
News from the railroad CoNstruCtioN family of CompaNies
Railroad Construction Company, Inc. / Beach Electric Company / RCC Fabricators , Inc. / Power Design & Installation Group / RCC Builders & Developers, Inc.
RCC Track perform track work throughout to MTACC, and is projected
the Northeast.
to finish revenue service in
Department does it all Department is performing track December of 2022. RCC has
been working on the project for
construction services for MTA over ten years, and is currently
RCC subcontracts BEC for internal repairs to 85-year-old tunnel. performing work in Harold
Capital Construction (MTACC)
Railroad Construction When asked what separates as part of the East Side Access Interlocking—the busiest rail
Company was originally RCC’s Track Department from project (ESA), an initiative set junction in the United States.
established to provide New the competition, co-worker forth in 2007 to connect Long RCC has multiple contracts
Jersey and New York industries Jeff McKeon replied, “Our Island-based train passengers to in Harold Interlocking, the most
with railroad track construction manpower… Our workforce is Manhattan’s East Side via Grand recent titled Harold Trackwork
and maintenance service. While far more experienced (than most Central Station. Part 3. This contract reached
the company has grown into companies).” This statement ESA is an estimated $11.1 substantial completion on March
a major General Contractor rings true as RCC continues to billion “megaproject” according (continued top of page 2)
with expertise in road, bridge,
building and utility construction,
it certainly has not forgotten its
RCC’s Track Department
(Track) has been a core division
of the company since day one. In
2019, the department continue to
complete trackwork throughout
the east coast. States that the
Track Department has performed
work in include Massachusetts,
Maryland, Connecticut, New
York, and of course, RCC’s home
state of New Jersey.
What makes the Track
Department such a successful
division of the company is its
ability to perform projects of all
sizes. RCC’s Track Department
has built firm relationships with ABOVE: The RCC Track Department utilizes some of the many pieces of equipment in RCC’s fleet.
Pictured left, the Harold Trackwork Part 3 project used an excavator, Mark IV Railroad Tamper and a
a slew of entities over its 90-plus new Track Stabilizer in the busiest junction in the country. Pictured right, the Turtle Back Zoo project
years in the industry, including New Track Stabliizer (TS-30) in residential West Orange required smaller equipment for its timber ties and 20-pound lighter rail.
BELOW: (Left) RCC co-worker Amy LaRocco recieves the Gift of Humanity Award.
several private companies for Work speed: 0-3 mph
which the Department performs Vibration frequency: 0-50 Hz Big happenings
Up to 50 tons at 50 Hz
Horizontal forces:
regular track inspections. Curvature: Curves up to 14 degrees for RCCF
Amy LaRocco RCC Fabricators, Inc. has been
awarded multiple new contracts
honored with award Big things are happening
Award Recipient Amy LaRocco was recognized for her community service for RCC Fabricators, Inc. As
of March 30, 2019, RCCF has
Long-time co-worker Amy Eva’s Village, the Boys And Girls been awarded to new major
LaRocco received the Gift of club of Paterson and Passaic, contracts.
Humanity Award from the Keep Oasis- a Haven for Women & The Quaker Corporation, a
Walking Community Foundation Children, and many other groups Connecticut-based specialty
of New Jersey. and organizations. contractor, has contracted
Amy received the award In her humble acceptance that God has placed in (her) life,” RCCF to fabricate and deliver
for her services to Paterson’s speech, Amy reflected on how It is safe to say that those same approximately 106,000 pounds
Habitat for Humanity, as well as fortunate she is for “the people, people and groups are just as of steel for new roadway signs.
her other volunteer work with organizations and communities thankful for Amy’s involvement. (continued bottom of page 2)