Page 35 - Literati Bytes
P. 35

Interview with Chess player

                 Question: How and when you started playing chess?

                 ✔ Answer:

                 When I was 6 years old, I learned chess from uncle,

                 grandfather and father.

                 Question: Up to which level you played?

                 ✔ Answer:

                   International rating ELO – 2025.

                 Question: How did you get ranking?

                 ✔ Answer:

                 We have to play rating tournament and we have to win

                 against good players. I played 600 matches so far.

                 Question: Any interesting match you remember that you


                 ✔ Answer:

                 I was playing tournament in Mumbai.

                 I was player against a player who had 1600 rating.

                 My Queen was dead in 5 move. I had to win that game in

                        any case. I made a big attack on opponents King.

                 He had queen so I was giving small pieces and taking big


                 Finally the opponent had one rook and I a knight with 2-3

                 pawns each. I got his rook in knight trap and then won

                 the match.

                                                                     Sruja Helwade (IV)
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