Page 32 - Literati Bytes
P. 32

My Dad My Super Hero                Togetherness

               Love each other

               Work together

 If a mom teaches you how to walk.
               Love each other
 A dad teaches you how to talk.  live together forever

 He scolds me for some or other reason.
               Be with each other

 But cares for me every season.  Be together

               Be with each other

 I love my dad.  Be like this forever

 Because he is not bad.  Help each other

 He does not show his pains.  Help everyone together

 But give me all his gains .  Help each other
 He is very kind.  Help everyone like this forever

 And keeps our family in bind.

 I may not be a good lad.                                 Share with each other

 But my role model is my dad.                             Share with everyone

                                                          Share with each other
 He always takes me to mall.
                                                          Share with everyone
 Without breaking any wall.
 He sacrifices his happiness for my happiness.
                                                          This is the song of
 He is none other than my Super dad.

                                                          It makes us kind

 Ayush Abhilash (4 A)
                                                                   Paryul Rokde (III)
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