Page 42 - Literati Bytes
P. 42

MY EXPERIENCE :                                                                                    Eat wet waste while we study. They won't come outside. They
                                                                                                                                      love wet waste. They will stay inside.

                         COMPOSTING IN CLASS                                                                                          One day somebody put plas�c inside compost pot. Again I

                                                                                                                                      had to explain them we cannot put plas�c in compost pot.

                                                                                                                                      Plas�c is not Recyclable.
                 Every year my mother celebrates my birthday
                                                                                                                                             A�er few days, first compost box was filled with wet
                 differently. This year she said we will give compos�ng                                                               waste. Though compos�ng process was not fully done in first

                 pots to your classroom. I had seen her doing                                                                         pot. It was not smelling and not a�rac�ng any flies. We kept

                 compos�ng since my childhood. I felt it is nice idea. It                                                             aside first pot and started with second pot. A�er few days

                 will give me and my friends a joy to watch how things                                                                some white material appeared on food. Neev felt that it is

                 work. My teacher Mrs. Rekha, accepted it                                                                             already becoming food again. It was fungus on wet waste.

                 enthusias�cally. On Dindi day, I with my mother                                                                      A�er pu�ng compost powder li�le bit more fungus

                 explained how compos�ng works to all my friends.                                                                     disappeared.

                                                                                                                                      A�er few days we s�ll got fungus. Compos�ng was not
                 Our super mission for compos�ng started with IV th std
                                                                                                                                      happening. Everyone was eagerly wai�ng to see compos�ng
                 class. We placed compos�ng pot in corner. On the first
                                                                                                                                      done. They were worried why it is taking �me. I asked my
                 day all classmates were very curious, excited about how
                                                                                                                                      mother, she said put some water in it. It worked.
                 to do it?
                                                                                                                                      Finally, a�er couple of months, Teacher had surprise for us.
                 We made a line to put le�over from our �ffins in                                                                     Yes!!! compos�ng was done. Wet waste had turned in to soil.

                 compos�ng pot. Everyone had a ques�on his le� over                                                                   Everyone was happy, cheerful. Everyone felt joy of ge�ng
                 food is allowed or not? Will that compost or not?                                                                    results a�er few troubles.

                 Everyone wanted to cover wet waste in pot with                                                                       Teacher declared that this soil will go to plants in our school

                 compos�ng powder. Then we divided the work                                                                           yard. We all were so happy.

                 between us. We added compos�ng powder and
                                                                                                                                      Everyone is apprecia�ng our efforts. Me and my mother are
                 covered it with lid. Teacher made me “Paryavaran
                                                                                                                                      happy that good things are spreading around.
                 Mitra” of class. Everyone was wondering what is

                                                                                                                                                                                  Sruja Helwade [STD IV A]
                 happening inside pot. Are insects ea�ng our le�over
                 food? Will they come outside? I told them insects will
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