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President's Message - Relection - 2017-

                  08-17 · Bowie State University

      August 17, 2017

      A Moment of


      The Bowie State University community was
      rocked to the core in May 2017 when we lost
      our student, Second Lt. Richard Collins III, in
      a senseless act of violence. To honor the life
      and legacy of Lt. Collins, we want to begin
      the school year standing together with the
      University of Maryland, College Park to
      affirm the core values of America and public              If you cannot join us at the torch, I ask that
      higher education—inclusion, diversity,                    you stop what you are doing at your location
      respect and civility. I ask the BSU campus                at 12:05 p.m. to reflect on the precious life
      community to join me as our two institutions              lost to us. Details on how the observance
      observe a Moment of ReflectionMoment of Reflection on     will directly impact various areas of the
      Wednesday, August 30, 2017,ednesday, August 30, 2017, at 12:0512:05
      W                                                         campus community will be available at

      The BSU observance will take place at the                 Additional programs and events will be held
      torch. We will gather at 11:45 a.m. and                   throughout the school year to help the BSU
      following a brief program, observe a campus-              community continue the dialogue on
      wide moment of silence at 12:05 p.m. In                   inclusion, diversity and civility.
      remembering Lt. Collins, we seek to further
      the collective healing of the Bowie State
      University community and to pursue peace
      and understanding amongst all people.

                President's Message - Relection - 2017-08-17 · Bowie State University
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