Page 19 - William Brown 2017
P. 19
There are different issues associated Manufacturing is often an environmental disaster. However, it There should be no issue what The end of life for a product
with the raw extraction of each depends on the amount of materials used and the means by so ever with the use of is crucial to an
material. The impact of this on the producing them, how much energy is needed. This links to the electricity in the Rugby jackal environmentally friendly
Life Cycle Analysis Rugby jackal technique trainer will transport that gets the materials to manufacture and then from technique trainer’s design design. This is when
The life cycle analysis can be vary dependent on what it is made manufacture to the next stage of the process. because there is no use of designing for obscellence
made for any product currently out of. electricity in the function of becomes essential.
on the market. It details where Therefore, the most eco-frinedly method of manufacturing would this product.
the product comes from, to Wood be to manufacture the whole product in the same place, using At the end of a products life,
where it ends up and all the Using wood has negative impacts on local materials. hence, reducing emissions through However, maintenance of the it can either be thrown into
implications/processes in the environment as deforestation transportation (This will also help reduce costs in the process). jackal trainer must be a landfill, reused or
between. leads to the destruction of local The main issue is trying to reduce a company’s Carbon Footprint. considered. As this product will recycled. The best option is
This life cycle analysis is able to habitats and eco systems. As well as Most company’s these days are out-sourcing their manufacturing predominantly be used out to design the product to be
highlight any social, moral, trees turning Co2 into oxygen which to countries in South-East Asia where labour costs are cheapest, side, it will get muddy and wet. as recyclable as possible.
environmental and economic keeps the whole world functioning. however, transportation costs are high as well as creating a huge Therefore, the use of water and This usually means to use a
issues. I will be doing an in This can create problems in local amount of carbon emissions. the application of water small variety of materials,
depth analysis on this page to areas that are affecting by All scales of transportation must be considered. For instance, resistant resin for any wood ensuring each one is
see if the jackal trainer will suit deforestation. However, there are the distance from the raw materials to the manufacturing plant. that may be used will be vital recyclable such as woods,
or need to be changed in order ways of making this extraction Then from the plant to the retailer, retailer to consumer. What is for the products survival and to or thermo-plastics.
to comply with the most eco- sustainable by replanting trees, but most eco-friendly is to have multiple factories covering a local keep it aesthetically pleasing.
friendly methods of this process takes a long time. area to again reduce transportation. Although, construction We want all products to be
manufacturing. Plastic regulations of these local factories must be taken into There will be no need for any recycled because the use of
All plastics come from fractional consideration. electrical usage at this stage landfills is harmful to the
distillation of crude oil. This is a for the development of the environment as they use up
limited resource. A lot of energy goes To further help make manufacturing eco-frienldy, one will have to product as its main mechanical land, destroy habitats and
into making plastic, usually this distinguish whether to use machines over manual labour or the function is a resistance band. give off toxins and
energy comes from burning fossil ratio between the two. Machines use up more energy but are emissions.
fuels, which reduces the Earth’s usually more efficient, especially in making larger, more complex
supply of natural resources as well materials. The Rugby jackal technique
as polluting the atmosphere with The best way for the jackal technique trainer to be manufactured trainer should be alright in
toxic fumes. would be to use high-volume manufacturing as this would be the all areas because I intend
Metal most eco-friendly method. for it to be made from wood,
Is also a limited resource and a huge aluminium and the rubber
amount of energy has to go into latex can be reused.
refining metal ores into a material.
Which again impacts on the Earth’s
natural supply and pollution through
William Brown 18