Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 9-4-15 Edition
P. 18
Information & Activities
All libraries will be closed on September 7th for the Labor Day holi- day!
September Is Library
Card Sign-Up Month
Get your FREE card at your nearest library or apply online Home: Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative For questions, 813-273- 3652.
Library Events
Friday, 9/4 from 10-11:30 a. m. - Get Into
Fitness Today (GIFT) during a 12 week series at the Town ‘N Country Library.
Friday, 9/4 from 10-11 a. m. - Sit ‘N Stitch at the Temple Terrace Library.
Friday, 9/4 from 10:15 a. m. - 12:15 p. m. - Ruskin Knitters (Beginners welcome) at the Ruskin Library.
Friday, 9/4 from 11 a. m. -12 noon - The Smart Pantry (Certified Dietary Manager, Joy Rupe will show you how to build a working pantry with lots of meals and snack options while saving time and money. Cooking demo with taste test, handouts will be provided.) at the South Shore Library.
Friday, 9/4 from 2-3 p. m. - Tech Blvd: Open lab training on computer basics at the Temple Terrace Library.
Saturday, 9/5 from 10 a. m. – 1 p. m. - Seffner Stitching Society (If you crochet, knit, sew, cross stitch, embroider, come share your techniques with fellow stitchers at the Seffner- Mango Library.
Saturday, 9/5 from 10:15-11:30 a. m. - The HIVE: CNC Router - open lab. Learn to make simple designs in Easel and carve them using the Shapeoko 2 CNC Router. Build materials will be provided at the John F. Germany Library (downtown on Ashley).
Saturday, 9/5 from 2:30-3:30 p. m. - Tech Blvd. at the Riverview Library.
Saturday, 9/5 from 3-4 p. m. - My Journey to Exodus book: can American Women Authors put together a book of their experiences. They will have a presentation following the book sign- ing. Call 813-273-3652 for location it will be held.
The 78th Street Community Library Essay Contest: Are you in the 5th grade? If so, the 78th Street Community Library Essay Contest is for you! Submit an essay about your role model and you could win a laptop! Essays need to be sub- mitted with a completed registration form to the 78th Street Library by Friday, October 16th at 6 p. m. in order to be considered for a prize. Please see a staff member for a registration form and more details. Laptops donated to the Friends of the 78th Street Community Library by Rent King on Palm River Road in Tampa.
Wednesday, 9/9 from 11:30 a. m. - 12:30 p. m. - Guardian ad Litem Program. To register contact the Riverview Library for more informa- tion.
Wednesday, 9/9 from 3:30-4:30 p. m. - Kids Code the at C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library. Thursday, 9/10 from 11 a. m. – 12 p. m. - Free Job Counseling and Assistance at the West
Tampa Library.
Saturday, 9/12 at 4 p. m. - Computer Tutor
(Microsoft software, email, internet) at the 78th Street Community Library.
Monday, 9/14 at 6 p. m. - Ask a Lawyer, Atty. Kevin Comer will be available for ques- tions at the 78th Street Community Library.
Belated Birthdays (July And August)
Ursula Footman would like to sent belated birthday wishes to her family members: Moses Jahrius (son), Julius Foot- man (brother), Cocoa and Papa Footman (twin niece and nephew), and A’nya Cromp- ton-Wright (niece).
Happy birthday Grenisha Samuels. From your mother, Ursula Footman. Love you and wish you many more!
Birthday wishes are sent to the following persons that we missed in August: Michael Smith and Benjamin Alexan- der.
September Birthday Celebrants
Happy birthday wishes are ex- tended to Ann Wiggs, Ora Roberts, Audrey Acosta, Thelma Livingston (Sacra- mento, CA), Hattie Byrd White, Lucille Walker-Oats, Janice Mobley, Jackie Wright, Kathy Dennis, Katie Morris, Mary John- son, Jay Quan Williams, Shane E. Anthony, III, Katlin Dawn Pritchard, Vy- davis Anthony, Gloria John- son, Bertron Wilson, Genie McLeod, Todd Hodge, Linda Taylor, Keith Ennis, Tyahna Rivera, Isema Canger, Henrietta Bryant- Williams, John Lomax, Ralph Footman, Z’mere Grace, David Kennedy, Frankie L. Rivers, Jr., David Favors, Ava Kane, Liliana Beruman, Elizabeth Branch, Gopika Pillai, An- thony Fredrique, Jashon Reid, Leza Mayes, Bryson Holland, Bethany Topper, Francis Enting and Daesha Gyden.
Rose Gurley wants to ac- knowledge her dad’s birthday, King Solomon Water who passed on Septem- ber 4th (mem.).
A birthday wish is being sent to Mrs. Lois Sanders, who will be celebrating her special day on September 10th, and she wants to acknowledge her hus- band’s birthday memorial, which was September 2nd. Pur- cell Hill and Jodericka Mc- Cree are also September celebrants.
Anniversary Celebrants
Mr. and Mrs. John (Alice) Singleton, longtime Villagers, celebrated another year of marital bliss.
You are wished many more happy years by the Village com- munity.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Let’s keep praying for our sick and shut-ins: Rebecca Haire, Vann Scott, Eunice Sneed, Viola Williams, Wayne Owens, Julius Robinson, Bob Anthony, Brenda Ford- Welch, Rhonda Williams, Eloise Griffin, Barbara Sprauve, Keith Ennis, Freida Washington and Lydia McNeal.
Asking prayer for the follow- ing persons: Mr. Lawson Johnson (V.A. Hospital), Ms. Alice Beard’s granddaughter is asking for prayers for her grand- mother, Ms. Beard who is in Hospice Care.
Also, keep former President Jimmy Carter in your prayers as he battles cancer.
Prayer Request
Ursula Footman wants us to pray for her daughter, Gren- isha Samuels to rededicate her life to the Lord. Pray that Ur- sula’s mom health improves. She prays that she can be reunited with her sons, Duron and Moses and one day soon see them face-to-face. Please remember her 2 brothers who are in confinement also.
Kelvin L. Watkins is ask- ing for prayer for his daughter and family life, Thomas Roo- sevelt Walker (unspoken), Tavelyn and An- drea Jackson, Tejuana Shuler, and Danielle Tyson.
Our deepest condolences are extended to the Calloway fam- ily due to the loss of Mrs. Ruth Calloway, who was funeralized on Saturday, August 29, 2015.
We encourage you to seek the Lord for comfort, strength and guidance.
Healing Script Ministry
To have healing scriptures mailed to homes of sick and shut-ins and incarcerated upon request, please write to: Healing Script Ministry, P. O. Box 891186, Tampa, FL 33689, Pas- tor F. Taylor.
Chess Club
Open to all ages. Chess helps
improve memory, increase con- centration, teach problem-solv- ing skills, and it’s fun too!
Join Coach Ted McNair at the Riverview Library with other new and experienced players from 10 a. m. – 12 noon on the first and third Saturday of each month and every 2nd Monday at 5 p. m. For questions, call 813- 431-5215.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Group pro- motes community for parents of Down Syndrome children. It is a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide broad reaching educational services for families impacted by Down Syndrome in the Tampa Bay area. They strive to provide financial and social service support also for the fam- ilies.
To learn more about F.R.I.E.N.D.S. visit Friends Sup- port | Down Syndrome Tampa | Down Syndrome support group – Tampa or call 813-245-2782.
Meals On Wheels Storm Information
Important information for all volunteers: While there are many unknowns at this time re- garding both the path and strength of the storm, if and when it does impact our area. I want you to know our staff will be tracking the storm. Our im- mediate priorities are our volun- teers and recipients. Our recipients did receive a Hurri- cane Prep Pack at the beginning of Hurricane Season, providing 5 shelf stable meals and water in the event an emergency would prevent us from delivering.
In the event that a route is cancelled, we will first email those volunteers on schedule, followed by a phone call. Please make sure the following emails are added to your ‘Safe Sender List’., and, and and
Also, please refer to Meals On Wheels of Tampa for any upates, route cancellations, etc.
Meals on Wheels update sub- mitted by Lauren Vance of Meals on Wheels of Tampa, 813- 238-8410.
Scripture (Proverb 3:5,6)
Continue to do what you do for the Lord, continue to keep God first in everything you do.
Four Your Information
Pray for President Barack Obama and his family, the ser- vicemen and women (active and inactive), pastors, homeless, in- carcerated, volunteers, missing persons and our families.
Call your news into Gloria at 813-270-2257.