Page 20 - Florida Sentinel 11-20-18
P. 20
Google Donates $5000 To Cindy Hyde-Smith After Lynching Comments
NYPD Releases Sketch Of
U. S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) made a racist joke about lynching that clearly wasn’t funny but appar- ently, Google doesn’t seem to be bothered and donated $5,000 to her campaign on Tuesday, according to docu- ments filed with the FEC.
The media giant has yet to respond to the donation, espe- cially in light of a racially charged comment made by
Hyde-Smith, who said in a video that she’d be “on the front row” if she were invited to “a public hanging.”
Hyde-Smith is a white Re- publican Mississippi Senator who is currently running an emotionally charged cam- paign against Democrat Mike Espy, who might just happen to be the first Black U. S. sena- tor from Mississippi since 1883 if he won.
57-Year-Old Black Woman
After a group of Black teenagers in Memphis were ar- rested for wearing hoodies at a mall and after the mall de- fended the police saying that it was a widespread policy, four white women did the lord’s work and put the so-called pol- icy to the test by wearing hood- ies while shopping and the result: they didn’t get arrested.
Sherry Ennis and her three friends viewed the video posted by Kevin McKen- zie, who called into question an officer’s motive for follow- ing a group of kids wearing hoodies, saying it was clearly racially motivated. The cop said the kids violated the mall’s code of conduct. So Ennis de- cided to throw on a hoodie and invite her girlfriends out to troll the mall and see if they could be approached and fol- lowed and accosted by police
Video of the arrest was caught on video at the mall.
Missouri Teacher Suspended
Police have released a sketch of a white man be- lieved to be in his 30s who re- portedly attacked a black woman and called her a “black bi*(h” while doing so.
The white male is de- scribed as about 5-foot-3 inches tall and his 30s.
The victim, Anne Marie Washington told police she got off at the Church Street station in Flatbush last week when a white man ap- proached her called her the racial slur and punched her in the head twice.
It was only later the 57- year-old realized she’d been stab, which required surgery.
“She’s a strong woman,” Washington’s daughter Itisha said to local reporters. “She’s recovering. She had to have a chest tube put in. She’s in a lot of pain.”
Washington’s family joined Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and
After Black Teens Arrested For
White Man Who Stabbed A
Wearing Hoodies At Memphis Mall
Four White Women Wore Them To
other community leaders as they urged the MTA to release any information that would lead to an arrest.
“This is a mother who was assaulted for no other reason but based on what we hear and because of her ethnicity,” said Adams. “That is unac- ceptable in this community as extremely diverse as it is.”
Highlight Racist Hoodie Policy
The social experiment
went off without a hitch. Ennis and her friends did pull the hoodies over their heads to draw attention to themselves, but they were simply asked to take them off their head since it obscured their view. But they wondered why they weren’t re- moved from the mall like the teens were.
“We pulled them up on oc- casions and we were ap- proached very politely and asked to remove them — that it was obscuring our identities, so we took them down,” Ennis told Fox 13.
The local news station reached out to the mall for an explanation on why the women were spared embarrassment from being removed.
For Allowing Student To Wear
20-Year-Old Black Man, Who Accused NYPD Cops Of Planting Weed In His Car, Alleges On Going Harassment
The unnamed teacher works in the Poplar Bluff R-I School District in Poplar Bluff, Mo., where the incident occurred Friday.
Without any pushback, the student, whose name cannot be legally released because he is a minor, was allowed to wear the symbol of a group known for its racist and bloody savagery against Blacks, dating back to the Reconstruction era after the Civil War. The presentation was about, of all things, the 15th Amendment, which gave African Americans the right to vote
“As part of the presentation, students discussed the adverse historical actions of certain or- ganizations that actively en- gaged in the suppression of voter rights,” a statement from the Poplar Bluff School District read.
According to local news sta- tion KFVS, the district also maintains that the student wasn’t acting with “discrimina- tory intent.”
“I want to sincerely apolo-
according to
York Daily News
the New
Ku Klux Klan Robe
A Missouri high school teacher was suspended this week after allowing a ninth- grade student to wear a Ku Klux Klan costume to class dur- ing a study group presentation,
Lasou Kuyateh alleges that officers have been pulling him over every chance they get after he filmed an encounter with police on February 28, when he was charged with fifth-degree possession of mar- ijuana, according to the New York Daily News. Prosecutors dismissed the case on Oct. 16, just as his Legal Aid lawyers were poised to grill officers about body-cam footage, the News reported.
Without the video, Kuy- ateh said he would likely still be behind bars. In the video, which he posted on Facebook, tempers ran high as police spent about six minutes searching his BMW. His lawyers also obtained police body-cam footage.
“Everything that day was
A 20-year-old Staten Island man, who was vindicated last month after claiming New York Police Department offi- cers planted weed in his car, now says they have been ha- rassing him in retaliation.
legit. Nothing was dirty,” Kuy- ateh told the newspaper. But the officers told him they had spotted smoke coming from his car.
“As they’re walking to the car, they’re laughing,” he told the news outlet.
But he recalled losing his
cool when one of the officers reappeared with a green baggie after searching the backseat of his car.
“Yo, he put something in my car! You put something in my car!” he can be heard scream- ing in protest.
The Legal Aid Society de- clined to share the body-cam footage with the News, but Kuyateh said it clearly shows the officer suddenly pick up a joint from the backseat and suspiciously exclaim, “We can take him in now, right? We got something.
“When I saw the body-cam- era footage, I wanted to cry,” he recalled. “What would have happened if that video wasn’t there? What would have hap- pened? Would I have beat that case?”
A photo of the student in the KKK robe during class.
gize for the pain and negative attention that I have brought to our classroom, school and community,” the teacher, who has now been suspended for the lapse in judgement, ex- plains in a letter.
“I made a mistake on (Nov. 9) during our skit assignment. I let a student wear an inappro- priate costume that was unac- ceptable and hurt many people’s feelings. As the profes- sional in the room, I should have known better. I am sorry.
“I understand that healing and forgiveness take time, and I am absolutely OK with that,” the letter continues.